This will allow me to connect to my local ganache node via proxy url. I think it’s currently only supported feature by LETH
Hey @Makoto it’s possible to connect to ganache node, and recover the first account, it’s not obvious but it’s possible, better to create an issue Issues · status-im/status-mobile · GitHub and we’ll develop it in a proper way, so now you can recover account using ganache’s 12 worlds, enable dev mode. go to network settings, press “+” , enter name and url (make sure you entered “http”, not “HTTP”) and save, choose this network, and re-login , and you will see 100eth in the wallet
there are some issues in latest develop, so yeah, we need this for sure, better to file an issue Issues · status-im/status-mobile · GitHub and we’ll implement it properly, thanks @Makoto
Done. Issue # 4817 (I cannot copy&paste url)
hey @Makoto, implemented, will be in next release
Nice! When is next release?
@Makoto now! …
Hi, I am having issue adding my ganache node running on a computer on my local network as a custom network.
After setting it up, when I click the connect it tells me the following:
“Specified network id doesn’t correspond to network id by RPC url”
I tried it by inputing the chain id as decimal: 1337 and as hex (0x539) but the same issue appears.
I also confirm that the chainId entered is correct and work in other web3 browser.