Asia Roadshow + EthSingapore

Hey everyone,

As some of you may be aware, we’re going to be doing a tour of Asia to meet with the community with the aim of increasing awareness amongst the key developer audience in the region. The plan is for it to run in the lead up to EthSingapore, and for it to be in partnership with Kyber, Maker and Kenetic.

Goals of the Roadshow

There are multiple aims of the roadshow. Primarily these are:

  • Developer attention
    • Drive awareness for Status as a developer platform
    • Communicate potential of extensions to DApp developers
    • Invite more teams to experiment with us
  • Community
    • Awareness of Status ecosystem amongst community - target growth of channels
    • Connecting with community organisers, KOLs and media (ie Bihu or UniTimes)
    • Meeting the Chinese Community and introducing them to the advocacy program (new creators and ambassadors)

Dates and Cities

  • Shanghai - 2nd December

  • Beijing - 3rd December

  • Shenzhen - 4th December

  • Hong Kong - 5th December

  • Singapore - 6th December

Status Attendees

  • Nabil
  • Shawn
  • Julien
  • Rachel

Topics for Meetups

  • Status Intro and Ecosystem
  • Extensions
  • Hard Wallet


In order to keep the roadshow cost effective we’ve partnered with a local project/meetup community to help host and facilitate the meetup.

As such we’ve kept the budget modest sitting at $21,000 USD which is covering transport, accommodation and logistic costs.


As we’ll be finishing the Asia tour in Singapore the day before EthSingapore begins we are currently exploring sponsorship. Whilst we are currently re-evaluating our sponsorship budgets for EthGlobal events, as the team are already in region the incremental spend would make sense if approached with a clear focus.

Goals for EthSingapore

  • Embark Downloads - we saw strong acquisition of Embark during EthIndia, and we will look to employ similar tactics to drive awareness and adoption of Embark. Ideally we’d like to have a team member from the Embark team available to run demos
  • Extensions - have 10 teams produce some usable extension (at cryptolife we had 5-10 teams work on some basic extensions, working on improving based on this feedback to go next stage)
  • Ensure all existing DApps teams in attendance leverage our branding material in their DApps
  • We could then include ENS Registrations as a mechanic for an engagement at the booth - our goal would be to have 100 ENS Name registrations


Incremental spend for EthSingapore would be $28,000 USD which includes sponsorship, travel, accommodation and team resource.


Thanks for the update here Shawn. I’ve planned on joining, can you include me in any follow up on logistics?