Assemble is live! Support forum

Assemble is our peer-to-peer crowdfunding tool aimed at supporting web3 projects. After much building and testing, we’re now going live with a small pilot to test the functionality and gather feedback.

We have up to $50k in funding for core contributors and ambassadors, so if you’d like to pitch a project, you can do so now at :tada:

We’re super appreciative of all your help with dogfooding, known issues can be found here and you can drop issues here.

For support with using Assemble or any questions, please use this thread. We also created a quick user guide to help you submit your projects (feel free to add any input to the guide that you think would help others).

We’ll be putting out launch comms soon on a limited number of social channels.



Great work to all involved!


I love to contribute and support. How many beta testers for Assemble do we have?