Berlin Blockchain Week

Hi Everyone!

Berlin Blockchain Week is happening at the end of August! If you will be in Berlin during this time, please let me know what events you’ll be attending or which events you wish to attend - we have some tickets. Also, I would like to coordinate a small team gathering, since a lot of people will be in Berlin.

Here is what we have going on so far for Berlin Blockchain Week:

Nimbus team offsite
The Nimbus team will be gathering in Berlin.

Web3 Summit: August 19-21
Mamy will be speaking at the Web3 summit to speak on an ETH2 panel.

ETHBerlinZwei | dAppcon: August 21-25

  • We have committed to Klum sponsorship tier. We will not have a booth this year but Jonny and I have come up with some cool activities. We will create a Scavenger Hunt for attendees where they can win a Keycard and hopefully have people test Teller!
  • We hope to have Keycard integrated during ETHBerlin, so attendees can use Keycard to win special prizes.
  • We have 3 sponsors tickets for ETHBerlin & 2 dAppcon tickets. If you are interested in attending, please comment for which tickets you would like.
  • Additionally Jacek will speak on an ETH2 panel.

This event is on Token Economics and would be a great event for people to join, if they can make it.

Looking forward to seeing everyone in Berlin!


@decanus and I are going to be in Berlin as well. I believe Dean is giving a talk on data sync at Web3 Summit, and I’m supposed to be on some kind of panel for messaging too.

I didn’t manage to get a ticket for ETHBerlin in time, would want to attend.

See you in Berlin!

I’ll be in Berlin speaking at Web3 and ETHBerlin. About messaging & eth2.0.

Note that Nimbus is there the week before EthBerlin, and only Mamy will stay a little longer, with Jacek dropping in during EthBerlin afaik for now.

Looking forward to meet up in Berlin. I’ll be there from Sun 18 to Sat 24, staying around Kreuzberg.

On Aug 19 I’m giving a workshop at MetaCartel Demo Day

“How to run your first usability test & all the ways you can listen to your users”

Event details
MetaCartel Demo Day
Berlin Institute of Technology
Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623

NFT tickets are €20 and you can get them here

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@rajanie Would appreciate tickets to EthBerlin if there are any left. I reckon Simon would as well:)

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@hester Are you still looking to test Teller?

Ok if I let you know tomorrow? Simon and I are working on a plan now, will have more crystalized thoughts tomorrow. We also have an opportunity to test at MetaCartel Demo Day.

I’m interested in ETHBerlin ticket but if my maths are right we are out already?

@rajanie would be great if we can test Teller Network at ETHBerlin. Will look for at least 12 participants.

@yenda we can probably run testing on 1 day, so we can also swap tickets if that’s logistically possible

Cc @Simon

Ok, ill reach out and see what we can set-up.

I am not sure how well work out tickets because we only have three for ETHBerlin. We might need to rotate people so that everyone who wants to attend can.

@oskarth @yenda are you ok if Simon and I take a morning shift and ping you to rotate in the afternoon?

The way our testing schedule looks now we would need Fri and Sat till ca. 2pm.

@rajanie do you know if there’s physical tickets we’d need or do they go by name registration?

@rajanie Seems like me and @hester we would like to attend Hackathon (ethberlinzwei) from 23 to 25.8. My question is, can we get 2 tickets till. ca. 2pm?

Hey All - i am producing some assets to promote our involvement across Berlin Blockchain week and I want to ensure I am covering everything correctly (some talks/panels dont seem to be on associated sites so just want to double check)

  • Monday August 19th 10:40am: @hester at Meta Cartel Demo Day " Helping people understand web 3.0"
  • Wednesday August 21th 13:00-13:30: @decanus at Web3 Summit " Vac & P2P Messaging"
  • Wed August 20th [TIME TBD]: @mamy at Web3 Summit “Eth2.0 Panel?”
  • Thursday August 22 [Time TBD] @decanus and @arnetheduck at ETHBerlin “Eth2.0 Panel” (do we know who else will be on panel?)
  • Friday August 23 [Time TBD] @jarradhope at Tegg - Lightning Talk on Token Economics

@oskarth are you presenting/sitting on any panels?

Anyone else? Please let me know so we can spread the good word

Also - @hester please let us know when and how you plan to run the Teller testing so we can plan accordingly. We are thinking we may encourage people to come by and test as part of a scavanger hunt game happening with a few other projects. Coudl be a fun way to drive some interested people there

  • Monday August 19th 1:30pm: at Meta Cartel Demo Day workshop “Running your first usability test”

The test plan includes controlling and matching Sellers (6 on Sat) and Buyers (6 on Sun). There are so many variables in the DApp (incl testing on Rinkeby) that I want introduce some control in order to see patterns. I plan to redirect to Calendly from a screening survey for scheduling.

Maybe that survey can be part of the scavenger hunt? Could set something up to branch off at the end for people who want to participate in Teller Network testing. Would need to send it out on Friday evening though at the latest though. Could that fit with your plans?

I just got an email from the Web3 summit organizers.

Unfortunately they cancelled my panel with potentially Parity and Lighthouse as co-panelists and a moderator from the EF. I will get a web3 ticket though.

Who is interested in attending dAppCon? We have two free tickets!!

Last minute twist: I am now speaking this morning at 11:20AM!


Awesome! Do you know if they are streaming the talks? We can share out the link