Bug with "share my contact code", win desktop UI

to admin, im new here, dont if proper to post it here, edit this post or whatever you want.

found a bug with widnows desktop app:
after logged in, go to Profile, and click “share my contact code”, and a error message shows up. as below:

click OK and goes to

click Dismiss and goes to

totally blank, and nothing i can do to go back to previous page except close and reopen the app.

not sure if im using the latest one. it’s V0.12.2 (D944244aa).

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Thanks for sharing @wildfire555 and welcome to the community.

Perhaps @rachel and @volodymyr.kozieiev can point in the right direction for bug filing and we can get this into the backlog.

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@wildfire555, thanks for reporting this. I suppose you’ve downloaded desktop app from Status - Grab The Latest Builds!. This is an old desktop version and currently it is not in development. New version that shares UI with mobile builds is in development right now and will be available soon. Sorry for inconvenience.

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