Chat Priorities Q1 into Q2

The chat team recently reviewed its Q1 backlog and selected the top items to roll over into Q2.

This post will review the work accomplished in Q1 and provide context on the items selected for Q2, so that we can evaluate them in a global context against other priorities.

Top line: Chat’s major accomplishment of Q1 will be the completion of the TtT MVP. Another P0 epic, block users, was also completed, along with several UI additions, fixes and enhancements.

In Q2, the group would like to prioritize improvements to the core chat experience. Because one of these is the option to set an ENS name for display from the profile, it could make sense for Chat to take on the full scope of profile changes, which are quite significant and are currently backlogged by Core.

Feedback welcome. :slight_smile:
Tagging for any further input: @igor, @yenda, @vitaliy, @hester, @Tetiana, @maciej

Q1 in review

Work selected as P0

Bolded items will be completed this quarter.

  • Tribute to Talk MVP
  • Fix 9+ unread messages badge, mark all as read
  • Improve “fetching messages” banner
  • Mute and/or block users
  • Use of ENS names in chat/profile
  • Send SNT for a message (Reddit gold)/emoji reactions
  • Send images/files in chat

Work completed

Bolded items were P0.

  • Tribute to Talk MVP (95% complete)
  • Fixed 9+ unread messages badge
  • Replaced “fetching messages” with loader animation
  • Block users MVP
  • New components created: list header, list items, top bar, fonts…
  • Fixed regressions, fixed overlapping login screen

Q2 top items

The full backlog can be viewed here.

Work selected as P0

ENS names in chat and profile / (edit 4/4/19) New profile work

Following this discuss thread, it’s been decided that we’ll simplify the number of names in Status to 3: (1) a random name, assigned at account creation; (2) ENS names, if registered; and (3) a nickname created by user A for user B, stored locally and seen only by user A, equivalent to a name in your adddress book.

The scope of this work for chat is in allowing users to set their ENS name and when to display it from their profile.

Human readable names in chat were one of the top requests by users during our Instabug days. Both ENS names and custom nicknames help to answer this.

@ mentions and notifications

The first phase of this epic allows you to call out a specific user in a public chat, either by random name or ENS name. It sends the mentioned user a push notification.

This is hugely beneficial to core contributors.

Mark all as read

This epic allows users to pick up where they left off in a public chat, displaying a bottom badge with the number of unread messages and allowing the user to click on this badge to jump to the latest and effectively mark all as read.

This impacts anyone who uses a busy public chat.

To be discussed/prioritized

  • Tribute to Talk phase 2—as more SNT utility features are released, the pressure to iterate on any given one decreases. I suggest that we prioritize builds on TtT once adoption can be observed.
    • Personalized messages for tribute pay wall
    • Escrow version—user can accept or ignore new tributes; requesting user can get their SNT back
    • Future builds on TtT, e.g. Patreon/subscription model (cc @ricardo3)
  • Profile and settings structure (cc @andmironov)—this is a suite of changes to the profile view that includes several new features (edited 4/4/19):
    • New UI for username display, tap to edit **
    • Reorganized and new settings: privacy, advanced, notifications**
    • Set your ENS name **
    • New contact list features: add Contacts, who added me **
    • Changes to other profiles: new UI, notification toggle, add to contacts option, etc. **

** = for chat team?


Updated thinking:

After speaking with Igor and browser team, it makes sense that chat handle a chunk of the profile work in Q2.

This can kick off with ENS names in chat and profile.

Browser team can potentially share the settings work (which contains privacy & security settings, advanced settings, and notification settings), but will focus on onboarding first. Post on browser priorities to come.


cc @andmironov Thanks Chat and Browser teams for taking on this work!

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As some of the work has shifted, here are 2 more topics I believe fit the Chat team well for Q2 or further down the backlog:

  1. Group onboarding (ways to invite e.g. existing WhatsApp and Telegram group members directly into a group created on Status)
  2. Content sharing (message links)

Both can contribute to a Network effect in a healthy way and have to do with bridging between Status and existing applications.

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Thanks @hester. I’ll add these to the original post to keep track.

Also, before work kicks off on ENS support, I think we should consider whether it’s worth building reverse look-up first to streamline that flow. It would require design changes, but simplify the process for users. If we’re only supporting two name types officially, it might be worth doing—especially because the work to implement the current designs would be undone later if we did build it.

Would like to hear @yenda and @vitaliy’s thoughts based on the current discussion around reverse lookup, once TtT is finished.

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