Communication best practices

In the recent Contributor Experience call, we heard many of you say that we lack a common understanding on how to use our communication tools, and what represents best practice.

We had a go at drafting some Communication Guidelines with tips on how/when to use Slack, Discuss, meetings, etc.

Take a look at this doc and feel free to drop your thoughts/edits/suggestions into the draft.

We’ll aim to get this published to our People Ops site in the coming week or so.



I love this! Will it be a new section on our site, i.e.: communication as tag/top navigation item and then each of the channels it’s ovn post?

also - cc’ @anna - it makes me think about the chats we had about communication practices - maybe a good starting point?

Published here: Introduction - Status Contributors Guide

Let me know if you think it’s better broken out over multiple pages!