Contributor Experience - What changes would you like to see at Status?

What is Contributor Experience?
People Ops is a resource to empower and enable contributors to do their best work. Our goal is to optimise anything in the working experience of Status core contributors that relates to:

  • Happiness
  • Wellness
  • Engagement, and
  • Productivity.

This discussion is to kick off a swarm aimed at making incremental improvements to enhance the Status Contributor Experience.

Q3 mission
As a theme in Q3 2018, we’re looking at small improvements. What great impact can we make by spending two months intensively reviewing and fixing small things that are getting in your way?

We feel that many of our recent discussions have (reasonably!) been at the principles and community level, and now we’d like to turn our attentions from the organisation/philosophy to the individual/practical. You’re all exceptional people working tirelessly in service of our vision, and we want to make sure you get the attention and support you deserve for a happy and productive Status experience.

Get involved!
We started out drafting this post by listing things we thought contributors would like to see improved, but realised that our ideas might be based on outdated information or assumptions. So we thought we’d start by asking - how can People Ops help you?

We’ll be holding a kick-off call on Tuesday 7th August at 1pm UTC - we’d love to see you there! Come and tell us what you love and dislike about working at Status, and what you’d like to see changed.

Alternatively, feel free to drop your thoughts here in this thread if there’s anything you want us to focus on that would benefit you as you contribute to Status. A private DM is also cool too if you’d prefer a confidential discussion: Erin & Ceri are the swarm leads for this initiative.

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