[Core contributors] Q3 2019 SNT payouts - coming soon!

Hi everyone! A quick heads up that we’ll soon be making Q3 2019 SNT payouts (in early to mid July). You’ll get a letter by email at the start of the month with a breakdown of the amount you’re receiving, and we’ll let you know the wallet address we have on file for you. You’ll have some lead time ahead of us making the payment, during which you can verify and/or make changes to your wallet address if needs be.

Questions? Ping anyone from People Ops or Finance - cheers!

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Hi everyone! A quick reminder that these letters have gone out, so if you didn’t receive one, please check your spam folder :slight_smile:

The letter will be informing you about the gross (i.e. before tax) amount. The actual amount you’ll get paid in SNT will be net (i.e. after taxes) if you are an employee paid via payroll.

Thanks! c