Hello happy people. With v1 out the door, I am hoping that there might be a little bit more time to focus on building out SNT use cases, in line with the whitepaper.
Some History
Dap.ps was built entirely by bounties (but designed by the one and only Maciej). No-one from the core team was involved, and only Jakub has been (forced into) helping out since the v1 launch. This is because halfway through the initial work, the budget was cut by some folks who weren’t involved and had no insight into the work that was happening, and so the code is not exactly the best ever written.
That said, we have a history of letting the perfect be the enemy of the good at Status, and I think it’s very telling that the only SNT use case in production was built by external contributors with a budget of around $50k.
Moreover, the above is only about the UI: I designed and wrote the contract myself. Any UI can be built on top of it, with any set of rules. The contract seems to be working well, has over 160 000 SNT currently locked in it and - afaict - is the only dumb immutable software object out there capable of running an entirely open, permissionless, and game-theoretically stable ranking game. I tit-for-tatted with Axelrod and Hamilton et. al. for many months; searched far and wide through curve space before building it; have made sure that there are no owners
, fees or middlemen, and only one function with special permission (adjusting the ceiling
, which was not possible to model fully given possible SNT volatility). Conceptually, I remain convinced that this is the optimal way to curate digital information in such a way as to benefit communities, rather than monopolistic companies promising not to be evil. Here is a longer video explanation.
Work To Be Done
Given the back-and-forth with budgets on the last go-around, it is really exciting to see Assemble become an actual thing. If you read that link, you will see I have applied for some guaranteed funding for the next stages of work I’d like to do on Dap.ps. Basically, this includes:
- Adding a KyberProxy contract so people can pay to play with ETH, DAI (and potentially other tokens too). While the contract still handles everything in SNT, this widens our possible user base, makes the UX considerably better, all while still increasing the use of SNT. All that is needed for work to start here is a design from @maciej
- Removing the current MongoDB, rewriting a lot of the backend, and substituting in The Graph and Subspace. Will improve load times, make for better UX, and move us much further along the road to real decentralization.
- Dap.ps is getting a bit of a branding makeover from some people in the marketing swarm, so there will inevitably be a few UI touch ups here and there to be done (mostly through bounties though).
- Begin encouraging people to use Status chats directly from the site. Initially this was going to happen through whisper-embeddable chats (something @iurimatias and @rramos were working on), but not exactly sure yet how that will look with the move to waku. You can see the concept I am after here.
- With the inclusion of chats, we can begin looking at expanding the categories on the site to include “Most Used”, “Most Useful”, “Currently Active” etc. by looking into topics that are active on the network at that time. It’s all about leveraging conversational spaces to feedback into useful information for real people.
I Need Feedback!
- How do I garner support for actual funding on Assemble? cc @hester @ceri. What is the source of funds, if any? Should I be looking for funds from people outside Status?
- Are there any actual engineers who would be keen to work on this with me formally? It’s been really shitty having to go hat in hand to anyone willing to reply to get designs and development done, whenever they have a free moment. If even just one CC was willing to dedicate themselves to Dap.ps for two months, then securing funding would not be as important a thing.