Deep linking for Dapps in Status

I am talking to some people who are building dapps, and they’re interested in the ability to deep link straight into their Dapp in Status from a web link, much like chat works right now.

Is there such a feature and if not, can we add it?


  • click / scan link/qr
  • if Status installed, open dapp in Status
  • if Status not installed, open website / app store to install from

It would encourage “Status as default” among dapp users.

This works with contact codes, public chats, extensions and dapps. Weird though the wiki page is lost…

The deep link format for dapps is, such as Status - Download

A user can get the deep link of any dapp in status by opening it in the Status Browser, then tapping “…” in the top right hand corner, then “share link”.

Take a look at this concept

Nice, this is much further along than I expected, love it, thanks for sharing @Chad!

I’ll get info on universal links back up on the docs—it’s come up a few times today!

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Here is the content from the old wiki:

Universal Links (iOS) & Deep Links (Android)

What are Universal & Deep Links

With universal links (iOS) and deep links (android) mobile users can tap a link to Status and get seamlessly redirected to the Status app and linked to specified screens without going through the browser. If Status isn’t installed, tapping a link to the Status website opens a Status website
with info on the link and instructions to download the mobile app.

What Links Are Supported

Public Chats eg

DApp Browser eg

Users eg

Custom URL Scheme

In addition to the deep links the above links can be called with the
status-im:// custom URL scheme, such as status-im://chat/public/status