I came across a neat repo that gives a docker-compose script for hosting a full Ethereum node (parity) plus an analysis API for querying it. Harry (security lead) from MyCrypto brought it to my attention.
The repo can be found at cyber-drop/ethereum-analytical-db.
More specifically it gives the following capability:
- grafana dashboard
- SQL queries
- use in Jupyter (or observable) notebooks
- full node access
I was thinking we at Status could use this for various things in-house, as well as give the community access to a Status hosted full-node, including:
- contract monitoring solutions (because no one else is building them apparently)
- @barry -like economic modeling
- financial reports of various kinds (@Dani)
- fallback for the status app to query (@igor)
In any event, @jakubgs has priced out how much this thing would cost:
- single instance (slightly less powerful than their spec machine): ~ $160USD / month
- multiple hosts: ~$200USD/month