Devcon5 (Osaka October 8-11) - Speaker Applications

Hey All,

With Devcon5 approaching, lets discuss what topics we can present and make sure Status is represented.

Anyone is welcome and encouraged to present on any area they like. We have just set up a calendar invite in the Status Calendar to discuss and coordinate potential topics. The call will be next Wednesday June 12 @ 9am ET

Feel free to join if you like. No pressure if you do not wish to present. This is simply to get the ball rolling and ensure we are prepared for October



For aspiring presenters: applications for talks, workshops and breakout sessions are now available for those looking to present on stages of all shapes and sizes.

Applications for builder and student discounts, scholarships, sponsors, and press are all live at! There are additional funding opportunities to support the scholarship program - contact [email protected] for more information.

Thanks for sharing @naghdy

To all those interested in applying–remember, we have set up a call to discuss topics, process, and coordinate next steps.

Wednesday June 12 @ 9am ET
Invite is in the shared Status calendar

Hey All,

Thanks @hester @guylouis @decanus @oskarth for joining the call yesterday. Quick Recap:

  • If you plan to apply to speak, please do so by the end of the month “Applications will be accepted through June 30 at 2:59 AM EDT”
  • We are not planning to sponsor Devcon5 (due to cost and roi) this year so will not be given an allotment of tickets. Accepted speakers are given a ticker so please apply
  • Anyone can submit a talk on any subject matter of interest. Themes and session types can be found here
  • The Devcon Programming panel tries to keep talks educational and fair to all projects so we should not submit all talks under the Status name. For example, Guy-Louis & Andrea should submit under Keycard, Jacek & team under Nimbus, etc…
  • Talks should be educational and informational in nature. Self serving / promotional talks tend not to be accepted (many prominent projects and initiatives had talks denied last year)
  • @ceri @rajanie can we start a doc similar to what we had last year to keep track of applications and potential travel to Osaka. This will give us a sense of travel/accom budget to be mindful of.

@cryptowanderer - you were on the application panel last year correct? Do you have a good sense of what they look for in a good application?


Yes - Created this doc outline and we can use this

Here is a doc I started for a speaking idea: Whisper Reliability without Mailservers - HackMD

Hey All,

Friendly reminder that Devcon5 speaker Applications will be accepted through June 30 at 2:59 AM EDT. So far:

  • Dean and Oskar are working on a talk for the messaging protocol research
  • Corey has been suggested / invited to sit on a Security Panel
  • Iuri has been invited to apply to speak on Embark

Nimbus team working on nimbus submission

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Hey @jonathan - yeah I was on the panel, and most likely will be again this year for the “Medium as Message” track.

It’s pretty straightforward - the applications that get through are generally extremely clear about what will be presented, are applicable to a majority of the audience there (which is generally considered to be around technical intermediate iirc), present something new or a major development that people may not be familiar with, and are applications which show clearly that there will be educational and informational value beyond simple promotion, as you said.

Also, it really helped to have a great previous presentation attached, as those swayed our decisions a fair bit last year. Applications with no other example presos attached almost never got through, and we often decided between 2 close contenders based on the quality and engagement of previous talks they shared.

did they change the date for the applications?
I read now: “Applications will be accepted through July 8 at 08:59 AM GMT+2. We look forward to reviewing your application!”

I started a document here, I’m not sure about the right format, can anyone check if it makes sense? We just started it so it’s not completed:

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Applications will be accepted through July 8 at 8:59 AM GMT+2.

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Here’s my proposal for the UX and Design in the “Real world” track: Speaker application Devcon5 - CodiMD

Would appreciate any feedback you can provide:)

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update: @gravityblast submission for a Keycard workshop has been accepted :v:


And another update: my submission on “Psychology of UX and adoption” has been accepted :grinning:


Congrats! @mamy’s Nimbus workshop on getting it to run on RPi is also in!


Not a speaker app, but my press pass was approved, so I’ll see you all there!


Embark’s workshop has been approved! Also a lightning talk in which we (@rramos @iurimatias) will present a tech we have been developing for Teller has been approved!


Mine and @oskarth’s talk got accepted as well as a workshop I am doing with Chainsafe.


And another on eWASM code size golfing…


And a breakout room on the Ethereum 2 developer experience:

Together with Hsiao-Wei Wang of the EF, we’ll be organizing a breakout room for Eth2 dapp developers to meet up with the research and client teams and share knowledge, aspirations and concerns… more info soon, but do get in touch if this sounds interesting!