Economic rate limiting: Filter out public room messages from users that have not registered a username

Idea name: Filter out public room messages from users that have not registered a username
Description: As outlined in this post a simple way to deal with spam could be to add a filter to display only messages from ENS names. This could be a toggle the user selects in a chatroom. Of all the proposed solutions this IMO seems the simplest to implement as it requires only a client side change.
Use case: *As a user, I want to be able to toggle messages in rooms so that I can see only messages from users that have registered a username.
Target user: Chat
Why this is important: spam handling
Any other comments:

If you think this is a great idea and know how to implement it, consider posting a project proposal on Assemble.

First reaction is that this is a great idea. I think however this would lead to a bad experience for a brand new user.

Also maybe:
Exponential POW requirements relative to number of characters sent by unregistered users
Allow registered users to replace POW with SNT staking. More stake == more characters.
POW / Staking requirements to be assessed over some time period/number of blocks/ epoch rather than per message


These are valid solutions, I just think they will take longer to implement.

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