Embark 4.1 stable is out!

Hey friends! :slight_smile:

As the title of this post says, Embark 4.1 is finally out, two months after its first beta release. You can view the changelog of all releases here: https://github.com/embark-framework/embark/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#410-2019-08-12

We know this is tons of information, bug fixes and features so we wrote a little announcement post that focusses on the most crucial ones: Redirecting...

If you feel like share this with your friends on social media, you might want to share and retweet this tweet as well: https://twitter.com/EmbarkProject/status/1161181917334704128

Last but not least, the work on v5 has already begun and we have some nice improvements in the pipe that we believe will improve the developer experience. Since we’re following semver, you might have guessed that this means we’re introducing breaking changes. We always try to keep them at as much at a minimum as possible, so the delta shouldn’t be too big in terms of API changes.

Please give 4.1 a spin and let us know what you think! Also, always report any bugs so we can make sure to iron them out ASAP.

Happy DApp coding!