Engagement Survey Results

Thank you to everyone who took the Engagement survey sent out last week. Here are the results.

In summary:

  • Most people are happy working at Status 3.9 out of 5
  • Still some looming fear from the layoffs back in December about job security and finances.
  • Lower engagement since getting rid of Slack and some concerns about people disengaging…

What PeopleOps can work on fixing:

  • Increase Engagement:
    • PeopleOps will be sending out a weekly newsletter of everything happening at Status. The Townhall has Peopleops and Finance updates. Have something you want to add? Please ping Rajanie + Ceri.
  • Townhall:
    • #status-townhall-questions: Submit your questions for the Townhall (anonymously if you wish) and have it answered during the Townhall
    • Regular Updates of the Status of Status from Finance and Jarrad.

Have any thoughts or suggestions, please share them below.