EthDenver Feb 15 - 17, 2019

Hey All,

We will be cypher sponsors of EthDenver again this year and this is a huge opportunity for us to show how far Status has come over the course of a year. EthDenver was a massive success last year with

  • 1500 total attendees (from 23 different countries)
  • 750 hackers
  • 150 projects produced

The community has grown significantly since last year and they are expecting nearly twice the amount of attendees this year.

Also - Status will be used as the official communication tool for the event. They will announce the public channel #ethdenver tomorrow.

Here is a project brief outlining goals, deliverables, positioning, and some kpi’s. With a smaller team focused on these types of initiatives, we need to be mindful of what we take on and our total project spend.


  • @Hutch: Run point in Denver
  • @naghdy: general support and Status representation (keynote?)
  • @Ben: partnership opportunities
  • @michaelb: technical representation (both Status & Embark), Workshop management

Production Support:
Banner Design and Booth Design - @Ned I will need some support to update banner assets and design assets based on the updated brand guidelines
Bounty Track - @cryptowanderer can you help define the bounty track? I think it makes the most sense to encourage extensions (or maybe there is something around SNT utility?).
Documentation - whatever the bounty track is, we should ensure that we have sufficient documentation, demos, tutorials so hackers can work with ease
Keynote design - @Ned should we use an old presentation template or should we update with new visual style?

  • We can share WIP here and use this thread to track progress
  • Content and Run of Show will be managed in wekan

If there is an opportunity to present, I’m happy to do it. I can also give a high level overview of Status, introduce the project, and then Michael can talk a bit about Embark.

Let me know what opportunities there are, and happy to drive it.

Great. Im confirming with the event organizers now but the sponsorship contract states we are entitled to:

  • 5 minute keynote at opening ceremony (I think it would be good if Nabil presents this one)
  • Panel/workshop/speaking-op - If we can run a workshop, Michael should host one on Embark

Stay tuned - ill confirm today.

Any update on the possibility of an Embark workshop?

They are working on programming and scheduling now. But we should plan on an embark workshop anyway.

Just got off the phone with Coury from EthDenver team. We are guaranteed:

  • 5 min Keynote intro (@naghdy - you cool to deliver this?). Basically an intro to Status and the extension bounty track.
  • 45 min Workshop on Embark (@michaelb )

They have also placed us on a panel:
Funding the Ecosystem & Incubator Initiatives - Suggested Ben - @ben - are you cool to join this panel? Despite the current state of Incubate, I think you cans till offer valuable insight here

Also another potential panel on the mass adoption of ethereum and the use of tools like Whisper to do that. @Nabil - would you be interested in sitting in on this panel?

convo also happening in #status-denver-planning

Great news, and I’m excited re: the 45 min workshop!

Raw vid sent to @jonathanand @Hutch for into to extensions bounties

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