Ethereum/Status Education Courses for Beginners

Walter Isaacson, the author of the Steve Jobs’ biography, quoted Steve Jobs’ answer to his question “What do you see as your legacy?” during the commencement speech at Pomona College.

He(Steve Jobs) said “Life is sort of like a flow. It’s like the flow of history. We get to take really cool things out of that flow. We get to take things people have already invented. But your legacy is not how much you accumulate and take out of that flow. Your legacy is what you put back into that flow.”

Likewise, the decentralized ecosystem has benefited a lot from the passionate open source community people who want to make this world better. The people have pioneered a variety of fields that are difficult to go through. Nothing can be built from scratch.

I think, in that sense, education is one of the meaningful ways to put something back into that flow. Our legacy and philosophy for the secure, open, and censorship-resistant future can be inherited by education and great products.

I am planning free blockchain offline/online courses using the assets that we have already built and it would be great if I could get some feedback on the curriculum and content I would deal with.

The curriculum plan I have now is

  • Target Audience: high school & university students or the general public who are interested in Ethereum and Status (Beginner level, in Korea first)

  • Day 1:
    What is the blockchain? (1 hour)
    Content: Bitcoin history, satoshi nakamoto’s white paper, How PoW & PoS works
    What is Ethereum (1 hour)
    Content: Ethereum history, Ethereum white paper, Smart contract, How Ethereum works as a platform

  • Day 2:
    Inside Ethereum (1 hour)
    Content: ERC20, ERC721, Swarm, Whisper, Sharding, Casper
    Two Point Oh (1 hour)
    Content: Ethereum 2.0, Validators, Beacon chain, Two Ethers
    @Bruno, can I use it?

  • Day 3:
    How to build an Ethereum-based DApp - 1 (1 hour)
    Content: Installing Embark (Node.js, Ethereum client, IPFS, Embark Console)
    How to build an Ethereum-based DApp - 2 (1 hour)
    Content: Demo apps, App structure, Running apps, Using the dashboard)

  • Day 4:
    Pioneering DApp Example: Status (1 hour)
    Content: Introducing Status features (ENS, Extensions, P2P messages, Crypto payments)
    Crypto economy (1 hour)
    Content: I have no idea here yet. Tokenized economy? Non fungible tokens? Please help!

I think the Building a decentralized Reddit with Embark tutorial and Embark documentation are wonderful resources for an intermediate level class. I am planning to implement the beginner courses first and will flesh out the higher level courses which need more research and study. Afterward, I will try to make some content for global communities in English.

Please suggest anything that we can handle during the courses. I am looking forward to your feedback to provide the audience with a better experience. Overall feedback, specific content, useful educational materials, totally new something, or everything is welcome.

I am contacting some blockchain communities in Korea and will reach out to education institutes(high schools, universities) soon. The blockchain communities all like the ideas and hope to check out the materials for courses to make progress. Your priceless feedback will be helpful to improve the materials :slight_smile:

We are building a tool for our descendants and I am really proud of being the part of it. There will be a few people saying “Wow, that was what Status team built, which was super cool! I used to make use of it” someday like when we use Swarm, IPFS or Whisper. I would like to put back as many things as possible to the flow of history with our honorable team.

Thank you all very much for reading this long writing. Hope this to be a good reference point of the blockchain education using our resources.


This is a GREAT initiative. I think that It could be valuable to have an introductory section that discusses mainly the NEED and cause of what is being built. This helps to lay the foundation for WHY these people would want to learn about Ethereum/Status.

Starting off with something a bit more technical like “what is blockchain” might be a little bit heavy for some new people. I think (being a non deep technical person myself) that it’s very important to make it clear what has happened in the past, or potential concerns about the future trajectory, so that people can strongly grasp that there is a need for blockchain/Status/Ethereum tools, before going into what the tools are.

I got involved because I started to understand why freedom/privacy were so important, then that lead me to the tools that ensure these things will continue to exist, and protect these fundamental human values. I was able to become passionate about the movement well before I had a solid grasp on the technology/“the how”

So I guess the summary of my suggestion is->
Teach the WHY we need this, before explaining what it is.


Wow, this is such an insightful point! Thank you very much. As you said, it would be better to start with WHY. I will find more materials to figure out “WHY we need it” and use it for the first course.

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@Jinho of course, use anything you want, from or, let me know if you need any help with anything at all doing that


This ^

things like this I just saw

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Good idea, thank you!