What if we could plug some ethereum/contacts goodness to any regular website?
Like rewarding any content creator, à la Brave?
Except this is controlled by an extension, not hardcoded and owned by a company.
By leveraging extension features we can let developer come up with fancy ideas and let users decide when it make sense to enhance their favourite website. Brave Rewards itself could be available in Status, via an extension.
{:url "https://twitter.com"
:target "id" ;; some DOM id or expression
:view [some-view] ;; Some view that will be injected
:on-event {:type :on-click ;; OR a DOM event to listen to
:value [some-event]}
You can then inject some extensions designed logic in any regular Web 2.0 website and seamlessly hook Wb3.0 behavior.
The last missing bit is what to do then? How do you extract relevant information so that you can react accordingly depending on potentially any website? Somehow data must be extracted from a site and made available to the extension - wether from URL, page content, …
After the dapplets idea was implemented as an initial PoC on ETHParis I am collecting feedback and aligning my roadmap to the related work being made great by teams around me.
Is there more details I can read about your proposal, @rachel?
May be we could join our efforts to make it happen?
I think is a great idea. There is a difficulty in implementing it: how to detect the rightful account owner of some id in some social media?
I think we should not think about putting this in a smart contract, because privacy; and needs oracle.
Maybe if user put somewhere in their twitter account profile:
status://user.stateofus.eth (and load from ens)
status://0x04d8be51670c96c2c124075b3295410b3e38fe8e20376f7916f17c9b984d08fda2d42425b409629c57ac845dc2bfba8ef9de45f8172042a9e0c877ffd6355fb719 (and derive address from it);
Using the information in the website, the extension could recognize it and tip to address. It don’t fixes the privacy problem, but using blockchain is worst as it gets “forever” persisted in history, but it simplifies and removes the need of a connecting contract.
The “status-api” injected js object in the dapp could also allow to webmaster configure the tipping address, so any dapp (or webapp) can set the tipping address they choose.
The tipping option would only be available if Status find a tipping address.
User will need to open twitter or whatever inside of Status for tipping, but for desktop browser an extension could be made, a safe model could be Status.app
As Status is both a DApp browser and a wallet (also integrates with hardware wallet using Keycard API) it’s not something we are currently actively considering.
This is really interesting. There are a couple of efforts who tried similar things but nothing so far has gained significant traction.
One use case I would like to see would be. User curated comments. To be more specific user curated YouTube comments. So people not only could vote up or down. But could put labels on comments.
SO often these days I see the following, there is a long video (> 1h) and someone in the comments of the video took the effort to create time stamps for certain events. E g. In a Long Interview you could find a list of all questions asked in that interview with time stamps.
Now this is interesting. As a user I would want to label this comment and also query for such comments if possible. And as a content creator (of the video ) I would want to thank you my community for doing such service. Both not possible today.
Totally missed this! Use case that comes to mind is allowing any website to trigger a payment through your Status wallet. Looks like something https://ujomusic.com/ does?
Another might be: Share in Status. For a website to call a ‘Share’ view in Status, where you can select contacts or channels you want to share a URL with. This could enable sending a single message to selected contacts without creating a group or public sharing.