Following @henrystats’s initiative to organize Status Support on Discuss, I’d like to propose some housekeeping to manage incoming feature requests. Please have a read and share any questions or concerns.
Great ideas to improve or add features to Status Mobile app are shared daily. These ideas are typically discussed in #status #support and other more dedicated channels and/or submitted using the feature request form.
With the proposal below I’d like to introduce improvements to this process. The end-game here is to have a system in place that facilitates are more integrated means of sharing, discussing, voting, proposing solutions, funding of new features. However, this requires a carefully planned transition. Hence, with that in mind, the proposal is a small step in order to:
- Move feature requests to tooling with open API’s to allow future integration with product planning and development tools (Discourse)
- Move feature requests into a format that allows public discussion and voting
- Create more granular clusters (tags) for ideas so that comparison for voting becomes more a matter of comparing apples to apples
- A Feature request category
- Subcategories in line with projects used in project planning tools (Wrike and Zenhub)
- Template to create a topic (similar to the feature request form)
- Tags for subcategories in line with Epics in project planning tools
This would look like this: