[feedback] Redesign of the chat home screen

Idea name: Redesign of the chat home screen
Description: I would like to propose a redesign of the Status chat home screen; this redesign could add future features such as:

  1. Pin chats, groups, communities and others.
  2. quick camera shortcuts, QR code and more.

The redesign will also bring a new look to Status and its presentation. I believe that this will help (through the interface) to give the impression of a new and modern product.
Target user: All old and new users.
Why this is important: Status is a product with a lot of value. It is the only one in the current scenario that combines the highest privacy and security requirements. A redesign is the right way to visually demonstrate all this power and value that Status has.
Any other comments: @maciej work has been incredible, I would like to start this discussion without being misinterpreted for neglecting the work done previously in the design of the Status.

This image is merely an illustration (of the messenger) and how I imagine Status in terms of design.

If you think this is a great idea and know how to implement it, consider posting a project proposal on Assemble.

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