Flights, Trains, Hotels bookings streamlining

In the past couple months a lot of us flew all over the world: Berlin, Istanbul offsite, Devcon, team offsites, …

I found quite the flights/hotels/train bookings experience had some friction (is that budget OK? Let’s check Airbnb, Booking, Expedia, Liligo, … as well) and could be streamlined just like Expensify does for expenses.

I stumbled upon this startup Business Travel Management Online Booking Tool | TravelPerk which has a product that can book from AirBNB, Amadeus (the booking backend of all airlines), Expedia, Skyscanner,, …

It also integrates with Expensify and even has a concierge service for group bookings: Corporate Group Travel Bookings | Business Travel | TravelPerk and seems to have a good dashboard for team budget for People Ops and leads.

Price is free (sales commissions I guess) to 10€/booking for premium service.


Hey @mamy! Thanks for the feedback and the suggestion - if people think it would be helpful to have something like this in place, we can definitely take a look and see what the pros/cons of getting a corporate account there would be (in fact I believe we already do use it on a very limited basis for some trips). Booking travel can eat up a lot of time and energy, so I hear you on the friction - would be nice if we could make that easier for you all.

@all - please give Mamy’s post a like if you want us to look into this - if there’s enough interest I will follow up. Cheers!

cc @Dani @jason @rajanie

Liked already, but that’s because I think it’s super useful anyway :slight_smile: but sure, I think it’s worth looking into too :wink:

Another side benefits is that if we all use this tool, I expect we could ask them to give us our kilometers flown. From that we could infer our carbon footprint.

That could be used for various purposes:

  • CSR figures (Corporate Social Responsibility)
  • “what if we had offices with heating, commute, …” comparison

+1 to trying the platform (especially if it can help remove some of the admin and energy that goes into travel bookings.

I do already use Travelperk, when people ask me for help with bookings. I think its a great tool. I am happy to setup so that everyone can have an account to use for their travel bookings.

That will be awesome, thanks @rajanie! Wondering if it’s also worth updating our travel booking page on with instructions on how to use?

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Yes, I have already started creating a doc.