From People Ops to People Partners

Y’all know the POps team by now, whether through onboarding or chasing you to setup Lattice :stuck_out_tongue: To date, each POps member had an area or project they owned and you’d interact with either or both depending on the subject matter. Going forward, each Project will be paired with one People Partner who will provide end-to-end support to the entire contributor lifecycle. Read on to learn about why we’re restructuring and how resources will be allocated!

Current state

The current POps team is split into two units; People Ops and Talent. The Talent team attract and hire all you amazing contributors (Big :heart: to our Talent Team!) and People Ops support you once you come on board. Well, that’s the short answer anyways!

So let’s talk about People Ops. The current structure is by specialization (onboarding, general support, exit interviews, etc.) or per project (performance system, offsite, compensation, etc.). This has its benefits but also comes with some challenges: mainly clarity and scalability. Our mission is to improve the organizational efficiency through people. And to do so, we support all the Projects the best way we can, without falling into the traditional corporate practices and staying true to our core values and principles.

The new state - 360 People Partner role

Going forward, each Project will be paired with one People Partner (Terry or Rick) for end-to-end POps support. For larger initiatives (i.e. org-wide offsite, policy reviews, bigger projects, etc.), people ops will coordinate on a per initiative basis.

People Partners will support the entire contributor lifecycle from onboarding to exit, including but not limited to:

  • New hire onboarding: contract drafting and saas set up
  • Onboarding and trials processes: coordination, data collection, and calls
  • Equipment: reviews and admin support
  • Performance management: support team leads through all performance review cycles and to continuously monitor performance and assist in escalating performance issues
  • Engagement, coaching and people development: monitoring team’s engagement data, and supporting with 1:1 ad-hoc calls as required, to assist CCs during different phases, or transitions
  • Levelling and compensation reviews
  • Terminations, amendments and offboarding processes: contract drafting, exit interviews, and systems removal
  • Administrative: invoices and expenses support

Our People Partners will support on all people-related matters for our contributors as well as ensure our values and principles are inherited throughout all our projects.

The benefits of designating a People Partner per Project are:

  • The team lead has one clear point of contact, avoiding duplicate communication or confusion for
    • high-level discussions regarding team structure, performance, skill gaps, fees, etc
    • Retention - engagement, feedback, comp updates (short term: SNT, flight risks & role updates)
  • Contributor support - proactive support and relationship building with CCs, providing on-demand assistance with support requests, creating engaging experiences within Status
  • Org health - get the overall picture of team strategies and support teams in being accountable to KPIs / goals
  • Follow a case end-to-end
  • This allows for a proportionate allocation of headcounts that takes into consideration the time of each people partner

Outside of the core People Ops work, we’re also available for ad hoc tasks like:

  • Managing events, recurring calls, hosting webinars
  • Administrative support
  • Bouncing ideas / venting / general catch up chats
  • Coordination, project management
  • Budget support

The team

Riccardo and Terry currently make up the People Partner team. We have shared the projects between us, considering:

  • Timezone support of Rick (Asia) and Terry (Europe)
  • Proportional split in headcount by time-bandwidth (Rick full time & Terry 80%)
  • Foreseeing future scalability, both are involved in all Programs to have context across the organization

Team Split

It is inevitable that the POps team should adapt and change with the demands of our growing population and we will continue to monitor how we support our CC in the best way we can! If you have any specific needs or questions for People Ops, please ping us to arrange a chat!