Gitcoin Virtual Hackathon - Bounty Suggestions

Status will be sponsoring the upcoming Gitcoin Virtual Hackathon taking place between AUG 28 - SEPT 11, 2019

"Gitcoin and Ethereal have joined forces to organize the second Virtual Ethereal Hackathon at the first international event in Tel Aviv on September 15.

The Ethereal Virtual Hackathon is a two-week hackathon of open source development. Developers from around the world will join online to build open-source projects in collaboration with top blockchain companies and enterprise teams."

As part of the sponsorship, we will be able to create 2 Custom Prize Bounties Listed on Event Page. We will need to create these bounties in Gitcoing by August 15th.

I would love some input from the team on what we want these bounties to be. What would you like to see the community of developers build, work on, contribute? They can either be specific things you want built for Status or high level bounties to allow the community of developers get creative.

#1 Best use of the Status API - build a Status optimized mobile DApp
#2 Best Integration with Keycard (@guylouis)
#3 Most creative DApp to leverage Embark (@iurimatias @PascalPrecht)

Please drop bounty ideas in the thread below.

Previous Bounties


“Best integration with keycard” would be great, to trigger some creativity on what can be build with keycard!

One challenge though is to get keycards in the end of developers (quickly)… Ideally we should provide a reduction code to those developers that want to hack and they should get a keycard in 24-48h max. It still is not available on our site (I am working on it with DHL and the factory, but it’s not so easy, and not ready) and won’t be by that time, so shipments take 1 week-3 weeks still.

@guylouis - really good point. We will announce our involvement in the hackathon via social and in the gitcoin discord this week. We will certainly push the Keycard bounty if we think timing is right.

This would give us ~2 weeks to vet developers who are actually interested in working on this bounty and then get them a keycard.

Does anyone else from the team have any keycards that we can leverage until the new batch come in? Sounds like @Jinho has 20/30 Keycards.

I propose the following:

  • Define and scope out the bounty: Name, Description, links to appropriate docs, channels, etc.
  • Define a process for obtaining a Keycard. Express interest in bounty. Connect with the team in #status-keycard or via the Gitcoin Discord. Explain why you want to work on this bounty. Provide address for expedited shipping.
  • Perhaps we cap the amount of kaycards we distribute at 20 to minimize costs

Yeap, I can send the keycards I have back to someone else(will use EMS or DHL). Please let me know the address to receive the 20-30 keycards later.


  • seems good to me also to limit the number to 20 max

  • for the shipment, we have no problem of stock of cards at all. The problem is to adress the expedited individual shipping of up to 20 cards in the period 16/08 - 28/08. This would be no problem if we had DHL express shipment on our site, but we don’t. I am going to be moving around in this period, and cannot insure the shipments unfortunately. So I’d say either @Jinho can send them one by one in this period, or @rajanie (I can either have her get 20 more cards, or take them out of the ETHberlin stock) maybe. It’s a bit of manual & administrative work, but i don’t see another way to do it for now.

  • for the bounty itself, if we think we will make it from a shipping standpoint, I can prepare a bounty by tomorrow sure

Yes, happy to send out some additional keycards

@rajanie that’s awesome, thanks ++ about this

  • could you point me out where I should draft a bounty (I’ll do it by tomorrow) ?and we can take it from here
  • do you think we can take these 20 out of the ETHBerlin stock (Rajanie has received them yesterday) ? If not, I’ll have 20 more delivered to Rajanie by mid next week.

@guylouis great thanks.

*Ill make sure we cap the amount of keycards we send to 20 (will include in our event comms)

  • Lets take 20 from the EthBerlin stock (cc @rajanie & @Jinho we will not need the keycards you have - please hold on to those for future initiatives)
  • Would be amazing if you create the bounty. You can share it here and I will manage the admin in Gitcoin. Some examples from the last event here. You will notice some are VERY broad and have little info and others are fairly specific and well defined.
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@guylouis I got the cards yesterday and have put 20 aside.

@rajanie You rock !

@jonathan Here’s a proposal. I made it quite broad. I guess we can further discuss it on #status-keycard channel for the content or in mp for operational details.

@rachel can you or someone from the team vet this Status Bounty? It is taken from our EthDenver bounty

Title: Build a Status Optimized Web DApp with our Javascript API

Status is building the tools for private, secure communication. The Status mobile client includes:

  • p2p messenger with the whisper protocol
  • Decentralized crypto wallet
  • Web3 browser

This challenge invites hackers to create with the native features of Status in mind. Build a fully decentralized, Status-optimized DApp using our JavaScript API.

To be optimized for Status, your DApp must be responsive and work well on mobile. It should work with EIP1102 (e.g. browser privacy mode enabled), and reflect Status as the host if appropriate.

The web API allows access to a users contact ID for Status chat, and to a QR code scanner.

Prize will be awarded to the most creative and inspiring use of Status Web API

Check out the docs:

Also - proposal here as it is a departure to what we have done in the past and means we dont promote Status as the primary comms channel.

We all know Status Desktop is in alpha and creates a barrier for community developers. It lacks some of the crucial features for developers to get quick responses when they face technical issues.

Are we up for creating a discord channel (which we can bridge to Status just how the Embark team does is) for this event. If we find it works well and we get some traction in the discord channel, we can consider using it moving forward for other communities as well.

It is also wirht noting that the entire Gitcoin Ethereal Hackathon community (~100 developers) is on discord and can be fairly seamless to create a Status developer community from this event.

cc @naghdy @rbin

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