Headspace - team subscription

Hi folks!

Quick check in as we head towards our annual renewal date (July 27th) for Headspace. Is it useful and would you like us to keep offering this? Shout if any thoughts one way or another, then I’ll figure out a plan.

We could end our company subscription and then everyone that wants to continue using it can submit an expense claim for the amount, but that might cause unnecessary friction (on the individual and finance side) for not a huge cost saving (need to check individual pricing). Interested to hear how useful people find it.

We currently have 22 users out of 30 licenses (minimum) at a spend of £1950/year.

Cheers! C


I do use it daily, and I found it quite useful in these stressfull, containment times :slight_smile:


I also use it and I’m happy with it!

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I used it in the beginning of the quarantine to help calm the stress, but now that things have settled and since I learned how to meditate by myself, I don’t use the app anymore.

Feel free to kick me off the subscription :wink:

I use Headspace pretty much on a daily basis and used to pay for it myself.
Very happy to do so again in case Status stops its subscription.

Otherwise, it’d be cool to keep it around!

Don’t use it but also red from contributors who left Status that it was highly appreciated - therefore in favor of keeping it.

Thanks all, confirming that we’re keeping our subscription. If you’d like to sign up but haven’t already, use your Status email address and click here to get access. Cheers!