Heart of Clojure Conference: Aug 2 - 3, Leuven, Belgium

Hey Everyone,

We are brick sponsors at this years Heart of Clojure Conference taking place August 2-3 in Leuven Belgum. It is co-organized by our friend Martin and a great opportunity to speak to some people outside of the immediate Ethereum ecosystem.

As part of our sponsorship, we will receive:

  • Your logo on the screen at start and end of day
  • A table & banner with our logo and a CTA to install
  • Choose a talk of the day which will be ‘presented by’ your
    company, optionally with a custom message.
  • 2 free tickets and 2 50% off tickets.

Would any of you clojurians be interested in these tickets and a weekend in Belgium?



hey @jonathan that’s great, i would really like to go :slight_smile:


@yenda @julien would either of you guys be interested in attending?

We have one more free ticket and 2 tickets at 50%

Perhaps there are community contributors who are clojure enthusiasts who would be interested?

I already have a ticket if someone wants it, I can’t go unfortunately.

@jonathanUnfortunately I am not available at this time.

OK thanks for the heads up guys. Since we have 1 ticket available as part of our sponsorship, and Eric you have a ticket - perhaps we offer them to community contributors in the area?

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Yes totally we can make an announcement

What about @roman @cammellos @vitaliy @dmitryn?

I would love to make it but I can’t get approval from my wife, that’s right in the middle of my parental leave.

Cool conference! However, I was planning a vacation around those dates.

Sounds interesting, but i’m not sure i can make it to Belgium at those dates.

Thanks for letting me know all.

If nobody can make it, Ill ask the ambassadors if anyone wants the ticket. If none of them want it, Ill think of some way to distribute it to a community member.