Hiring - growth marketer

Hi! Quick heads up that we’re kicking off hiring for additional support on growth marketing (replacing Oliver who ends his contract with us ~mid-April). Will ping the job ad here asap but shout if you have any referrals or questions. Cheers!

Update: job ad


Hey Ceri,

Nasko here. I’ve applied to the role and an excited to hear your response.


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Have applied for the role, however am curious about how diverse in geography are the teams? I am based in India and really hoping to work on something cool after my stint in Dubai. Working remotely aggressively since the past two years.

Hope to hear from you soon.


Hey @Partha nice to meet you! & thanks for taking an interest in us :slight_smile:

We’re ~60 people, spread all over the globe. iirc at last count, we were something like 20% in Americas, 60% EMEA, 20% Asia Pacific, so there’s a fair bit of timezone spread.

The marketing team specifically is spread right the way from the West Coast of the US across to South Korea, so pretty diverse :slight_smile:


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Fantastic. I hope you can consider my application. Have a look at my LinkedIn profile as well for more information: LinkedIn.com/in/parthans

Thanks again

Hi Ceri, I’ve been watching the role in Status, growth marketer is a good opportunity and seems suitable to me, would like to get involved! Let me know if you need anything from my end, thanks!

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Hi Ceri,

I’ve recently found Status via Angel.co and it looks fantastic. I’m especially drawn to your Censorship resistance principle as it speaks directly to me.
I’ve applied for this position earlier today and I’d be happy to jump on a call anytime this week.
Stay safe and looking forward to e-meeting you!

With regards,
