Hiring: Technical Writer

As mentioned in Friday’s newsletter, we’re looking to hire a new Tech Writer for Nimbus.

The first public draft of the role is here.

Please let me know if you have:

  • Suggestions/questions on the role itself.
  • Suggestions for the assessment/interview process .
  • Have any referrals of folks you’ve previously worked with.
  • If there are people/projects/organisations out there that you think do Technical Writing really well (I’ll see if I can convince them to join us).

shared with folks I know.

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Hi. I’m keen on this position. Please find the resume in two parts. Thanksdilip-nimbus-resume2-page-0

Here’s the second part of the image. Thanksdilip-nimbus-resume2-page-1

Looking ahead to hear from you.

Hey @DKP! Nice to meet you and thanks for dropping your CV. Someone from our hiring team will be in touch with you soon :slight_smile:

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Hi @ceri and @j12b, do you know if the core team has a list of ToDos or "nice to have"s for guides, tutorials or API docs? I’m involved in open source writing and coding, and would like to contribute to Nimbus before deciding to apply. Thank you :v:

Hey @cryptoshiba! Nice to hear from you. The Tech Writer role for Nimbus has now been filled, sorry about that!

Good places to start if you’d like to get up to speed on Nimbus are here on the team page: https://nimbus.team/.

Feel free to drop by the team channel on Status to chat: Join #nimbus-general in Status.

Cheers! C

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Also pinging @zahary in case he has anything to add :slight_smile: