How to avoid SPAM messages

This is about how to avoid Spam users and messages(ads and fake news…etc) in messaging.
There must be grammatical errors since I’m not a native.

  1. When a User joins in SNT messanger. User gets a certain amount of snt token.Lets say 100 snt.

  2. SNT messnger USER MUST HOLD a certain amount of SNT to send a message.lets say minimum 50 snt.

3.when they send a message. snt will be used unless the receipient read the meaasge.
lets say 0.01 snt for 1 message.
now you have 99.99 snt

  1. when the message is read by the receipient, then the user will take 0.01 SNT back.
    Now you have 100 snt.

  2. If the mesaage is deleted without being read, user(message sender) losts his 0.01 SNT.

By doing this. people can avoid spam message.

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Hey James,

Have you seen Tribute to Talk? ( which is currently in development.

A similar approach would be interesting for Group chats. Where the person who has an incentive to promote certain behavior in this chat can incentive members to join. If their behavior goes against any set community standard the creator starts, SNT can be revoked.

At the same time I would prefer the positive angle of rewarding desirable behavior through kudos in chat. So perhaps the creator incentives members to join by the size of a money jar and average Kudo amounts.