This is about how to avoid Spam users and messages(ads and fake news…etc) in messaging.
There must be grammatical errors since I’m not a native.
When a User joins in SNT messanger. User gets a certain amount of snt token.Lets say 100 snt.
SNT messnger USER MUST HOLD a certain amount of SNT to send a message.lets say minimum 50 snt.
3.when they send a message. snt will be used unless the receipient read the meaasge.
lets say 0.01 snt for 1 message.
now you have 99.99 snt
when the message is read by the receipient, then the user will take 0.01 SNT back.
Now you have 100 snt. -
If the mesaage is deleted without being read, user(message sender) losts his 0.01 SNT.
By doing this. people can avoid spam message.