Introducing MoreHappi 1-1 Coaching


Everyone needs a coach” - Bill Gates

Based on the feedback you gave us in 1:1’s, engagement surveys and general chats, we’d like to test out a new perk which we’re hoping will make a positive difference in your lives.

Introducing MoreHappi

MoreHappi is an ongoing Coaching service that you’ll each be able to access twice a month. . They provide coaching on these areas:

What can you expect from Coaching?

Coaching is non-judgmental, collaborative and 100% confidential. It helps you understand where you’re at now and transforms it into a future that’s just right for you. It helps people grow in confidence, learning how to confront difficult situations, doing something well for the first time, finding out what holds you back and more. It’s great for positive mental health and there are always areas of our lives that could do with improvements.

Coaches are trained to understand and redirect to other mental health professionals if they feel that there are issues at hand which are outside of their competences. Also in this case, confidentiality will be maintained. As an organization, we will only have access to aggregated stats that tell us how many contributors used it, average review scores, and how many times it was used.


Each month, you can log on and book two x 45 minute sessions with a coach to improve any area of your life that you either a) need support in or b) just want to get better at. Sessions are available day, evenings and weekends (UK times, which as far as we’ve been reassured, allows for scheduling from all time zones we’re living in)

The sessions are designed to be self contained, so it works to move around different coaches. If you find a coach you like, and they have availability, then you’re absolutely welcome to keep working with the same coach again.

The coaches are selected based on their review score within the platform (rated 4,75/5) and are taking part in a career accelerator for Coaching accreditations and ongoing training.

What next?

We’re testing this program for two months.
Sessions will be available from 1st May 2021.
MoreHappi will send you everything that you need to get started. You will be able to book sessions online.
Keep an eye on your work inbox for that - and if you have any objections to us sharing your work email, please let us know by Monday 26th April 2021.

Please use it as much as you can and let us know your experience. We’ll send out a form mid-June to understand if this is a perk worth keeping or not, so the more data we have to make that decision, the better!

Unfortunately, MoreHappi is not available to anyone based in the USA or Canada at this present time. They are working on this and it will hopefully be made available in June / July.

More information can be found here: [More Happi] ([]

As always - ping me, @stef or our channel if you have any questions at all.


Heya @Terry - do we have any stats or comments on how this has been going so far?

This looks great! I’ll be using the service and leaving reviews/feedback - The idea sounds great! :star_struck:

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Thanks @Lilchichi :slight_smile: Give it a shot indeed! We’re still in the trial period and we should make a decision by mid-June if we want to keep or drop this.