It's kudos o'clock

It’s time to get the kudos flowing and the meritocracy up and running!

What is this about?

For a full download, get the background and discussion here:

The smart contract is still being audited, so we’re starting small with a 10 SNT weekly allocation for each person to award to their chosen superstar(s).

What to do now…

  1. Navigate to the DApp at https://kudos.statusnet.eth - you’ll be allocated an amount of SNT by each Friday

    • Want to know who’s participating? See the list here
  2. Think of your Most Valuable Player(s) and send them some kudos to recognise their awesome work

    • Search by typing their name in the Choose Contributor field
  3. Decide how many SNT you’d like to award them from your total allocatable kudos

    • Enter the number in the box
  4. Let them know why they’re rocking it

    • Leave a comment of praise
  5. Hit Award to make it rain!

    • You have until end of the day on Tuesday to award your tokens, they’ll then be burnt if unused
  6. Check back in your DApp on Tuesday to see if you got any kudos :crossed_fingers:(there are no notifications)

  7. Once you’ve allocated all your kudos, you can withdraw any kudos you were awarded into your wallet :boom:

…and then?

Eventually, there’ll be a leaderboard format where you can see the contributors setting Status’s world on fire :fire: (you!)

We’ll keep allocating you SNT each Friday, and you can keep dishing them out. We’ll send a reminder each time we allocate SNT, so you can remember to access the DApp and make your award(s).


Having issues with the DApp?

  • Make sure your DApp is connected to mainnet:
    • Profile > Advanced > Network > “Mainnet with upstream RPC”
  • Check you’re online - if you see a zero balance and can’t select a contributor, there may be a connection issue
  • De-select privacy mode if enabled
    • Profile > Settings > Browser privacy mode (toggle off)

If you didn’t sign up when the Dapp was in production, your address won’t be on the contract’s registry - ping @rramos /@ceri to be added. You may have to wait until the next award cycle to get some SNT to dish out.

Getting involved

We’re looking for help to give the app a facelift and create a leaderboard UI - shout if you want to help buidl!

You can check out the swarm page with future plans here.

A massive caveat

This is just the start! We’ll scale it from here, increasing the amount of allocatable SNT in circulation over time. Think of it as a meritocratic, peer-driven compensation element, open to all.

– Let’s do this!


@rramos hey! the app doesn’t seem to recognize me, probably because my address in the spreadsheet isn’t the one I use in Status and isn’t the one I registered my name on the ENS contract.

My address I use in the Status app is 0xff91043525391cd3a316450bc80ef874fb0ef446.

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Please add me, 0x9702797d92e2a06070b446e49a594a943686e28f - Bruno.stateofus.eth @ceri @rramos

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Your addresses have been updated in the dapp, @igor, @Bruno, @pedro


I’m not seeing Pedro.

Now I have 0 in my “allocatable” :frowning:

could I also be added please? (I would do it myself but the spreadsheet is read only for me ) 0x0424a68f89ba5fcd5e0640c1e1f591d561fa4125ca4e2a43592bc4123eca10ce064e522c254bb83079ba404327f6eafc01ec90a1444331fe769d3f3a7f90b0dde1
Thank you!

:frowning: if the address changes, you’ll need to wait for the next cycle. Sorry!

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Fixed. I added him to the UI but forgot to update the contract

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Guess I’ll have to wait for next week to dish out some kudos :cry:

I’m not searchable… But I do have an allocation.

Just saw this issue. I thought this component ordered the names alphabetically, but it doesn’t. You’re the 10th from the bottom up.

Allocated another round of SNT today as it’s Friday. Cheers and happy awarding!

The drop down menu to choose the recipient is cut at the bottom so the last names can’t be found without going to reduce the list.

When I try to send some kudos I always get

Hey @yenda - I see that you’ve been added to the registry already, so I don’t think it’s a case of not having access.

The drop down menu to choose the recipient is cut at the bottom so the last names can’t be found without going to reduce the list.

The dropdown seems to work fine for me on iOS. Tagging @rramos to take a look at this for you.

Sorry yenda for the inconvenience!

Just noting here that the error message part is solved by killing and restarting the app.