It's ten years from now, and Status is perfect, what are you using it for?

:question: :question:

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What are you using it for @noman ?

For work: Co-ordinating with other members of DAOs as well as interacting with DAOs.
For fun: Gambling/betting with friends and randoms.
For cash flow: Conducting large OTC trades.
For news: Accessing new feeds which use token economics to incentivise a high quality standard.
For social: Chatting in groups which have a high contribution standard due to crypto-economic incentives, no more free-riders not contributing to the chat!
For meetups - Staking tokens to ensure people meet up! High reliability that people will show up.

The future use I see is a seamless integration between human communication/co-ordination and decentralised technologies. I think Status does this by mixing the communication features with ethereum services.

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My morning delivery drone arrives, and as it drops off my morning breakfast I confirm payment via Status.
I probably rent a bike or get the train to meet some friends, paying via NFC on my phone.
I message a group of friends about dinner, and book the restaurant using Kickback.
I read the news (using some form of attention token).


Can’t you do all of this with WeChat/Facebook messenger? How does status make it better?

Nope, not in the UK at least, and not using crypto for payments or Kickback for bookings (admittedly you can’t do that using Kickback today, but I hope they’ll move in that direction).

To me, the perfect decentralized messenger has intrinsic limitations and unlikely to compete with centralized solutions. Hence, I would use Status in the following cases:

  • I’m in a country with an autocratic government that shuts down instant messengers and social platforms
  • I need to communicate any sensitive information with my closest/trusted friends
  • I need to talk to a person who is paranoid about privacy with or without real reason (it might include “everyone on this planet” at some point, why not)
  • In case of massive internet hack/crash, which renders all popular centralized solutions dead

I assume that I can give up on some extra usability expected from traditional messengers if Status will work in those cases.

Hopefully as a complete and integrated environment for communication and interaction with necessary and usable applications to explore, think and live. I think the shift to web 3 applications will be gradually more and more necessary.

If decentralized applications and money in that case become a part of the future in how we interact; status has a really good shot at being my go-to medium. Things can progress and change so much in that big of a timeframe though; maybe status doesn’t exist as an “application” even then but is fully ingrained into the OS of whatever the hardware of the future I use on a daily basis is.