Join my community, Share a song, Win SNT - FRENZ

Hey All,

Been a while since I opened Status and played around with the new features. I have to say, im impressed.

  • The speed of the app is as fast as I’ve ever seen it.
  • It appears that im receiving all my messages and notifications in a timely manner.
  • The UX hasn’t changed much (and I have some old gripes) but it works well and I “get it”

There are the obvious issues such as lack of valuable content and an insane amount of spam but I know you all are working on that. While I can do nothing about the spam issue, I want to run an experiment to see if we can get some interesting content in the app.

I created a community called #FRENZ and will be sharing music in there every day. I love music, hopefully you do too, and you may even want to listen to my curated list.

I created a channel called “Not on Spotify” where I will post 1 song each day that is rare, obscure, and not found on Spotify (not just a clever name). Join my community, look for the “Not on Spotify” channel and post one song each day that is not found on Spotify for a chance to win some SNT…directly from me.


  1. Join the community #FRENZ Status - Download
  • Im not sure if you need to enable “communities” first but you should anyway. PROFILE >> ADVANCED >> TOGGLE COMMUNITIES ENABLE
  1. Join the “Not on Spotify” channel

  2. Post 1 track that you like that is NOT found on Spotify. Share a link to a YouTube video of the song. 1 song only!!!

  3. Do NOT post anything else. No commentary. No explanation. For the love of everything sacred, no links to “great investment sites I must check out”. If you do post anything else, you are cut.

  4. I will listen to each track every day for the rest of October and pick my favorite.

  5. Whoever post my favorite song of the day will get 100 SNT sent to them.

This will run every day for the rest of October. Good luck.
@jakubgs - plz get involved (i like your music)


P.S. It would be great if someone from the Status team could give a super high level overview of the current state of “communities”. Things like, what is possible now, how to join/create, what isnt possible yet but is coming.


This seems really cool! But, I’m not being able to join your community. I just have the options to create or to import a Community, not to join.