Kudos DApp in review

It’s been 4 months since the launch of the Kudos DApp. Since then, we’ve allocated 151,000 SNT, and 55 participants have made 441 individual kudos transactions (you can see the leaderboard below).

Currently each contributor gets a budget of SNT 500 per week ($11), with a monthly cost of ~SNT 72,000 ($2k). NB: we recycle unallocated tokens, so the overall cost is slightly less than the number of participants multiplied by the weekly allocation amount.

We currently have both core and community contributors as participants in the DApp, and the smart contract doesn’t differentiate between them, both groups are allocated the same budget.

It’s time to revisit our initial objectives, take stock, and make a plan for what comes next.

My questions to you are:

  • What would you like to see happening with the DApp next?
  • What (if any) changes would you make?
  • Do you think we should adjust the amounts and/or frequency of SNT being distributed?
  • Would you continue with the current practice that all contributors (core & community) can join freely, and receive the same budget? How do you see this scaling?
  • If you don’t use it, why is that?

We could also get creative and change things about how the DApp works, e.g. stipulate that the most kudos’d person in each week collects all of the remainder of the unallocated pot of money for the week.

Would love to hear your ideas, cheers!

Contributor SNT Received Praises Received
adam.stateofus.eth 530 4
Akatski 100 1
Andreas S. 20 1
andrey.dev 1222 17
André Medeiros 376 12
Anna 965 18
barry 1086 17
BrianXV 787 8
cammellos 454 9
Carl 40 3
ceri 660 13
chu 200 5
cryptowanderer 423 8
Dani 495 8
Dean 500 3
Dmitry S 550 2
dmitryn 220 3
Eric Mastro 531 9
gravityblast 490 8
guylouis.stateofus.eth 707 14
Hester 1440 19
Hutch 129 2
Iuri Matias 796 6
Jacek 30 2
jakubgs.eth 1114 15
Jarrad 715 8
Jason 200 3
Jinho 765 9
Jonathan Barker 475 10
Jonathan Rainville 628 12
Jonny Z 1221 18
Julien 286 6
Kris C 850 7
Lalo 900 5
Maciej 220 6
michaelb 513 13
michele 460 7
Nabil 195 8
Nastya 585 7
Oskar 225 4
PascalPrecht 994 11
Pedro 770 7
petty 826 17
Rachel 490 10
Rajanie 535 7
Rasom 950 3
Ricardo Schmidt <3esmit> 166 5
rramos 1005 16
Sergey 1030 10
shemnon 0 0
Simon 250 1
Swader 100 1
tbenr 882 8
Yalor 100 1
yenda 1575 14

I like the concept, I think it’s good for morale. I know I feel good when someone votes for me.
To be honest I feel like my allocations are kind of high.
I feel like anyone should be able to join but there should be some criteria for who gets a vote. I’m not sure what that criteria would be.

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It would be wonderful to allocate multiple kudos in one go, instead of doing individual ones simultaneously… meaning I’d like to give kudos to different individuals for different reasons all in a single dashboard. It would lower the amount of time I spend doing this each week, as well as help me rationalize my allocations.

Also, some more dashboards on different views of leaderboards would be great, to help bring recognition to the deeds and people.