Learnup #3 - Hardware Wallet Best-Practices and Tutorials

Join in on Thursday 9th September at 12pm UTC 1 (1 pm UK time, 2pm CEST) for the next Learnup hosted by our wonderful @petty

Corey will walk through how hardware wallets for cryptocurrency work, quality options within the ecosystem, and discuss some of the best practices with their use.

The session will be recorded and the slides will be shared afterwards. If you have any questions in advance, please post them below and Corey will try and answer them in the session!

Massive thanks to Corey for hosting this session!

cc - @petty


Very excited to learn more especially about the best practises! :star_struck:


To follow up on Corey’s best practices for hardware wallets, we will do a Learnup on creating a fairly secure environment to manage your critical accounts & operations.
The idea is, within 1 or 2 hours, to easily set up a fairly secure Linux system where you can manage your cryptos with some peace of mind. This can be on an old spare laptop, a separate partition, or just a virtual machine.
The goal is not to go too technical & deep on security for now (don’t worry if you never used Linux), but that everybody gets an opportunity & the support to do it :grinning:

Exact date to be announced soon :thinking:

cc @Terry @petty


This Learnup has been rearranged to 16 September.

Here is the recording of the learnup

Thanks again @petty