
I’ve just installed status and started using it. Unfortunately after computer restart, im struggling with login attempt to the app. Im sure the password is correct, however im receiving an error message:


Please help!

Is anyone able to help?

I encountered this problem as well recently. Not sure how this happens, but I suspect that the application did not shut down correctly on rebooting.

I got around this by re-installing the application from scratch, which on macOS also involved recursively deleting the ~/Library/Application Support/Status/ directory.

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@freelach what version and OS were you using when this happened?

@easye but won’t reinstalling make impossible to log in again on the same login (3-word key)? I guess one can not write it freely - may either choose one login from the list or add another existing key (but in this case system require not the 3-word key but 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 words).

@hester i have status version 0.3.0-beta and Windows 10 Pro.

but won’t reinstalling make impossible to log in again on the same login (3-word key)?

I think by"(3-word key)" you mean the user name mnemonic like “Frosty Untidy Ratfish” or “Vacant Wobbly Mongoose”? These mnemonics are derived from the underlying public key pair, so reinstalling the wallet from the seed phrase (the 12 word sequences) will give the same one as far as I understand.

For re-installing Windows 10 Pro, you are going to need to locate and delete the per-user storage for which unfortunately I don’t know the correct directory path (and it will differ depending on the default language localization of your machine).

Hey, I did re-install the status app and as I thought - can not enter seed phrase as it calls for 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24 words and I have only 3 words, like you wrote - something like “Frosty Untidy Ratfish” or “Vacant Wobbly Mongoose”…

As I wrote

"reinstalling the wallet from the seed phrase (the 12 word sequences) will give the same [wallet]"

the 3-word username mnemonic is indeed not the seed phrase.

What a bullshit app it is, looks like I’ve lost access to my account (and therefore also my token) and support didn’t even respond to my e-mail.

I am having the same problem, either. I had an account in Status last year, but somehow I couldn’t manage to reach the app again. So now I opened another account and dealing with this error.

Not being too critical tho, I know things are harder than it looks but this is a serious problem to consider, in my opinion.