Marketing Team Initiatives and Allocations

Hey All,

The marketing team had a chance to regroup in Prague to plan out some Q1 2019 initiatives we know are coming down the pipeline. We then did our best to scope the work and estimate required time for each team member involved.

We did this to get a sense of all the streams of work and make sure we are not taking on too much at once. As we are cross functional and work with all teams such as Status, Embark, Nimbus, Hardwallet, Brand, DAO, PeopleOps, amongst others, it is important we are aware of requirements/expectations on time commitments from all teams (several times last year, we were expected to lead marketing efforts for all products and initiatives at once; and the end product suffered).

There will always be ad hoc work and exciting opportunities to arise, so ideally we are left with ~20% capacity for these types of things.

A list of initiatives can be found in this doc along with team members and estimate allocations:

We will be prioritizing the work based on organizational goals and objectives with @carl and @naghdy. Before we start this, it is very important we get a sense of all work and expectation in the pipeline.

Please help us out and let us know any major milestones, launches, areas of focus for Q1 so we can plan accordingly.

@Graeme - Status Network
@Chad - Core App & Desktop
@rachel - DApps
@guylouis - Hardwallet (ive heard a few different dates for launch)
@arnetheduck - Nimbus (aren’t there milestones associated with the EF grant?)
@patrick @hester @andmironov - are there any major Design/UX updates or communication requirements which will require support?