Messenger wrapper for Telegram, Whatsapp, Slack - Web

Idea name: Messenger wrapper
Description: Integrate the Web Versions of most popular messengers
Use case: *As a user, I want to have one app where all my messages arrive so that I don’t have to switch between multiple applications
Target user:
Why this is important: Convenience, Status UX < 3
Any other comments: GitHub - meetfranz/franz: Franz is a free messaging app for services like WhatsApp, Slack, Messenger and many more.

I sincerely love this idea, but it requires Status to devote its limited resources to maintaining support for third-party dependencies… and I personally feel that those resources would be better spent on improving Status, to encourage people to leave those apps and use Status instead. Alternatively, Status would likely benefit more from inclusion in Franz and other Web app aggregators through the development of a Web interface for Status, which is a highly requested (but obviously difficult to deliver) feature.


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