Mobile UI for desktop

You’re welcome!

This morning I tried the current branch and got an error regarding AppRegistry. Do you have commits which aren’t pushed to GitHub?

No, all my changes in branch now.

When I run the build from CI I see this at startup:

Also tried building release on Linux but I don’t see a window.

@pedro, I’m on mac now and running dev build, not release. Ci build is not yet available for mac. @jakubgs looks into that problem.

Btw, because for ios and android images now mostly loaded from assets, my latest fix for loading desktop icons breaks android build. So I’m going to implement storing and loading images inside resources for desktop - Add possibility to save and load custom resources · Issue #506 · status-im/react-native-desktop-qt · GitHub

@pedro, created release package for mac and also don’t see window :-/ Checking it.

Problem with not visible window is about outdated ubuntu-server. It should be updated in a bundle. Old ubuntu-server still tries to load realm data from non-existent node_modules dir.
But problem with “AppRegistry is not a registered…” is about something else.

Let me know if you need help updating the packages.


the conversation is like playing Taiji

@volodymyr.kozieiev maybe you could resume updates on this thread for visibility, since the PR isn’t merged yet, and develop Desktop builds are failing until it is merged?

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Sure :slight_smile:

  • realm leftovers removed from installation packages (they are ~60Mb lighter now)
  • fixed problem with red screen on startup
  • react-native-status library functions updated to sync with ios
  • react-native-desktop now capable to load image from binary resources

At this moment desktop PR waits e2e tests results and if they are ok it can be merged

What do you plan to do next? Is it feasible to remove Ubuntu server now that ream is gone?

@yenda, right now desktop merged but it is not visually appealing and has few irritating issues: profile screen shows blank until you scroll it a bit, avatar of freshly added contact is not visible.
So my plan for next few steps was to fix that.
I suggest to work on eliminating ubuntu-server right after these few UI fixes.

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Are there GH issues tracking these bugs?

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Yes, you can check desktop bugs here - Issues · status-im/status-mobile · GitHub

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Thanks for sharing, cool feature!

@volodymyr.kozieiev any updates when we could have working version?

@andrey, hope to get it by the end of this week


hey was there any update to this?

It was decided to postpone all desktop-related development since mobile needs more attention. Last desktop PR is awaiting approval -
And currently I’m working on this one -

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