Monthly strategy calls - April - planning

Hi @hester @iurimatias @guylouis @andre @rachel @arnetheduck @jonathan @petty @Dani & cc @carl & @jarradhope

Pinging you to get ready for this month’s series of strategy calls - tentatively I’m thinking 14 April, and will send invites to pencil it in but lmk if that doesn’t work for anyone?


Last month we trialled combining some calls that were previously individual calls but whose content seemed to make more sense discussed together (e.g. POps + Finance = Ops).

Imo this didn’t allow for time and space for each team to discuss their work fully, so I’m proposing we go back to individual calls, shout if you disagree?


  • Core - Rachel & Andre
  • Design & UX - Hester
  • Keycard - Guy-Louis
  • Embark & Teller - Iuri
  • Ops - Dani, Ceri (or do you prefer a separate session each @Dani?)
  • Security - Corey
  • Marketing - Jonny
  • Research - Jacek

Next steps

  • If available I’ll send you in advance of the call an update from Carl & Jarrad async (so you have this info ahead of time in case it’s helpful for your planning)
  • Ill tag you all individually in your respective agenda doc to add your notes ahead of the call.
  • cc @Dani to confirm whether these meetings will include a quarterly budget review or no.

Cheers all & looking forward to catching up! C


Sounds good for me :+1: Exception between 13 and 15 CET when I’m not available on the 14th

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@ceri : combined Ops works for me
Re budget review: we still receive invoices from Q1 and just started to prepare the intercompany recon, so it is too early.
If the teamleads have updates on the budget, please highlight this in the preparation notes. In case there’s nothing highlighted, I remain passive or even only would join the conversation if I get pinged (will be available during the entire time on short notice).

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Not sure if here’s the place to address this, especially because I am not part of this discussion. In any case, Ceri and I touched on that. So I am gonna be the devil’s advocate as I believe what I have to say is important for the continuance of the Status Network, given the strategic goals for this year.

As you know crypto-related products are prohibited from advertising on the mass networks (Facebook and Google (i.e. wallets and/or coins). Still, target crypto communities across those networks can be exposed to a value proposition of private communication.

Private communication as a brand engagement driver would be a low barrier. Driving activation (active peer IDs), is a challenge that, based on my experience, breaks down into 2 dimensions for Status: analytics and product-market fit:

  • Product-market fit. Media sharing and voice messages are part of the communication habits of 1.6 billion people today. As Rachel concluded during the product roadmap meeting back in October, even crypto communities are making compromises with privacy if usability does not meet their expectations.
  • Developing a deep understanding of retention drivers to achieve continuance and inclusivity requires the right security infrastructure that balances inclusivity, continuance, and resourcefulness with privacy and liberty. Building marketing and product experiences rely on user research a.k.a user behavior data + empathy for users. In growth, monitoring and optimization of KPIs are needed not only in acquisition but also in product. Think, onboarding and product usage data to conclude on adoption and retention drivers.

I understand that Fanthom is used on the marketing side for monitoring top-level insights on content consumption, link clicks and app installs. This data alone does not enable monitoring of KPIs such as Cost per active unique peer IDs/per campaign, features used per cohort, drop off points in onboarding, A/B testing to minimize and so on.

As you know, Facebook and Google’s ad platforms feed conversion data into their machine learning algorithms and incentive by optimizing the delivery of ad assets to high converting audiences, thus ensuring advertisers pay for more effective user acquisition. Without pushing such private data I imagine you are prepared for high CPAs per active user?.

While data for statistically significant conclusions can be collected with privacy preservation, resourcefulness would be necessary for achieving that and widespread ease-of-use at the lowest economic cost possible in order to achieve continuance. As I was enthused, I did a quick research and it might be that Heap enables removing the collection of sensitive data attributes to comply with privacy-preserving analytics. This might be of help ot @petty and/or @Bruno

Thank you and good luck!