My personal thoughts

I’m a newbie to Status and I tried to get as much information as I could. I also read some topics here since they are quite old I created a new one. So here are my impressions:

You need to make more clear about how messages are sent and why it’s safe to use the app. Where do my messages go? How long can my status update be seen? What happens when I am offline for more than 30 days? People will be concerned when having their private banking and chats with strangers in one place. Maybe your wallet should be more than one click away.
However I can see the benefits of mixing communication, browser and banking in one place and keeping it simple. Your private communication should be as secure as your banking but most people forget about it. Status can be a real “Super-App”.

Feature Request:
To build a solid social experience for all people it would be nice to get a news feed with news articles, block post and podcast releases mixed with my friends status updates. Some Twitter-like feed of things that I follow (I want to decide what I get on my own and do not want an algorithm to get me things I might like). An easy way to share a link would be the first step.

Did you ever think of creating a business solution? They also have a need to have a b2b and b2c communication that is secure and most lead to a transaction. Plus they can run nodes for their employers.
(there is an ongoing scam where mail servers of small businesses were compromised to lead their business partners to transactions to wrong bank accounts)

I’m looking forward to the new community feature although I don’t know what it brings with it.

Thanks for your audience.

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Hi @hnico21,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas with us.

I agree that we need to explain what makes Status unique. We’re working hard on it. In fact, we’re beginning to publish user guides on the upcoming Status Help documentation site (to be announced and fully operational in the coming months). This article answers some of your questions, and other articles will follow up with more information.

Communities will bring a solid (and fun :wink:) social experience for Status users, and we can’t wait to show our users what we’re doing. Please, see a sneak peek on the Status Twitter account.