Offsite: Istanbul šŸ‡¹šŸ‡·

DATE: September 16 - September 19, 2019
LOCATION: Istanbul, Turkey

What to expect

It will be three nights Monday September 16 - Thursday September 19, 2019

Here is a proposed agenda of what the week will look like:

  • Monday: Everyone arrive whatever time you can.
    *If you are flying more than 8 hours, you may arrive Sunday
  • Tuesday: All team offsite all day
  • Wednesday: Smaller team offsites
  • Thursday: Check out


Please let us know if you require any accommodations to attend, or if thereā€™s anything we can do to help make this event as inclusive as possible

A few changes

We are trying to keep things frugal, so there are some changes we are making this year to previous years:

  • Everyone will be paired in a room with another core contributor:
    • Own Room: If you wish to have your own room, you will have to pay out of pocket to cover the expenses. You will need to pay 50% of the room cost out of pocket. You will be given a Single room.
    • Partners/SO: are allowed to join, but you will need to cover 50% of the room cost. Similar to having your own room - But this would be a double room rather than a single room.
  • Everyone can expense a public transportation pass and expense an Uber to the hotelā€™s return to the airport. Multiple Ubers around the city will not be reimbursable.
  • On the Wednesday for smaller team events, we encourage people to find common spaces around the hotel or nearby. Status will unfortunately not be able to cover the cost of additional conference/business rooms.
    • However, if teams wish for a private meeting space or wish to extend beyond the Thursday check-out for their team meeting, this will need to come out of the existing teams/swarm budget (discuss with team leads)

Ambassadors & Community Members

All Ambassadors & Community Members are welcome to join our offsite. Unfortunately Status will be unable to reimburse the cost of travel (transportation, airfare, hotel, etc.), but would love to have you with us!

If you book your trip, please send an email to [email protected] confirming your attendance.


HI everyone: Please check here if you need a Visa

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@rajanie, could you please confirm the checkout date of the hotel is Thursday the 19th? The spreadsheet is showing the 18th.

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Whatā€™s most important for you for our time together at the Offsite? Meeting in smaller teams or as a group all together? Social or informational time? etc.

If you have any suggestions/preferences for the agenda, weā€™d love to hear them - feel free to drop them here on this thread, or ping People Ops :+1: Cheers!

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To me, given the short time weā€™ll have together, meeting in smaller teams is more useful. I also wouldnā€™t mind giving a quick Nix session so that people can get up to speed with it.


Would be great to have status-go workshop or something, because weā€™re moving data to status-go it would be useful for clojure devs to know how to make changes in this part


In addition to using this as time to get teams together for face to face time, I propose consider inverting this idea and trying to also find opportunities to get contributors that rarely interact with each other in a position to let ideas cross pollenate.

This may not only be limited to the offsite, I got this idea because I saw ā€œnim contractsā€ in the shared calendar one day and it seemed like an interesting topic, so I dropped in on the meeting and indeed it was!


Iā€™d like there to be some time for the following:

  1. Protocol meetup
  2. Nimbus and Core (Clojure/Go) hangout/mini hackathon, to bring these closer as we are moving towards Nimbus in the app

These would both be overlapping with other teams, so perhaps a half day would make sense? Or if thereā€™s some other way of shifting things around. In general, smaller groups and less ā€œspoken forā€ time than last offsite seems useful to me.


Hey ! two quick questions:

  • I am unfamiliar with the ā€˜unconferenceā€™ format which we plan to do on tuesday afternoon. Any hints how to better grasp how that works ?
  • maybe should we create some kind of planning for mini-team gatherings (wednesday) to reduce collisions ?
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Hey @guylouis! An unconference is an informal conference format thatā€™s driven by participants rather than organised in a top down way. Any participant can suggest a session that they want to present (usually by posting topics either on a forum or board at the event) and other attendees can sign up to attend the session whilst at the event.

maybe should we create some kind of planning for mini-team gatherings (wednesday) to reduce collisions ?

Pinging @rajanie for her input! I agree with you though that it could be helpful to have a place to organise the Wednesday sessions in advance, to make the best use of the time.


There is a room for us Wednesday (half day). Everything can be found on the agenda

Do we have a designated channel for onsite communications? Like #status-onsite?

Iā€™m on my way to the hotel. Anyone else already here?