Optimised for Status—developer input?

We’ve had a half-baked concept for a program called Optimised for Status going for a while now and would love some input to help us build it out.

What is Optimised for Status?

Concept: DApps take certain steps to qualify as “optimised for Status” and are rewarded in some way. This could take the form of a badge for their site, an invitation to join a special community, participation as evaluators in a TCR for DApps, etc.

Objective: Incentivise developers to think about the experience of their DApps inside Status and raise the profile of Status developer tools.

DApp criteria:

The criteria are definitely open to further input, and will require a greater level of specificity.

What I’d most like to hear suggestions about is incentives for participation.

Many of these criteria are low-hanging fruit. Mobile optimisation, mainnet and great user guides are prerequisites for any successful DApp (Status-specific user guides not so much, but many are written with MetaMask in mind and we’d like Status featured, too).

For those that go the extra mile to integrate with Status, we’d like to offer you recognition, access, community and support.

Apart from featuring your DApp in our curated list and offering—hopefully—great developer tools, what else can we do for you?

@naghdy @cryptowanderer please feel free to expand. :slight_smile:


To help Dapp’s showcase that they are optimized for Status it could be nice to provide design assets to support developers and give a signal to users that Status offers an optimized experience.

Here is a quick concept @denis worked on. It is a button that we can give to Dapps that will open their Dapp in Status using universal links. It is slightly off-topic for this thread (sorry for the to threadjack!) but I thought this is a good place to present it. I’d love to see buttons like this all over the decentralized web :slight_smile:

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Just curious, do we have some kind of DApps integration into chat messaging functionality? For example, I’m thinking of it as some kind of “Share” button functionality in others messengers. So user can use functionality of some DApps directly from the chat app window. ( In this case there should be some integration protocol and DApps should support it )

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We have a basic API for web DApps.
Looks like you are talking about the other way around?

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Thank you @julien
Yes, as mentioned in Slack, I’m asking about possibility to access DApps from Status. (API is to access Status from DApps, as I understand)

I think to better answer this question we need to understand what type of devices we are targeting. If 90% of our users are on 3G on under $200 smartphones an optimized page for those devices will look different then a user on fast WiFi with an iPhone X. Consider that the average webpage takes ~15 seconds to load on 3G, those users already have different expectations and perhaps having less in a page but getting it to load in under 10 seconds will drive higher engagement with those type of users while the iPhone X user is expecting something more rich in functionality.

I don’t really have anything useful to add to what Rachel detailed above right now, tbh. Especially if we don’t have functioning DApp Store :wink:

I do agree with Barry, though. Would be interesting to see ‘Optimised’ apps load blazingly fast on mobile connections (even if they have a limited feature set). Something kinda like that Kai OS video Jarrad posted the other day, to really make sure that we are enabling main stream adoption of Ethereum around the world.

I’m thinking about what optimised for status looks like. In one sense it can be the speed at which the application loads. Something similar to what WeChat did with its mini -apps (Which are basically HMTL 5 apps but written with a wechat specific language which makes the sites faster than a traditional HTML 5 apps, as well caching and quicker use of native features like accessing camera for example).

Optimised for status could also mean that the Dapp function’s can be accessed in chat so that it becomes social, for example the ability to breed/sire a crypto kitty in a crypto kitty chat group, create and send a decentralised order in chat or forms an Aragon DAO when creating a group chat. A WeChat example of this is using the “lucky packet” application to drop a sum of money in chat which gives out random chunks of money to users who tap on the packet in the chat view.

The above would then mean that optimised for status means the Dapp has integrated status extensions and web bridge to really marry the chat and Dapp experience.

It gets tricky when it comes to incentives. A Dapp developer is unlikely to spend the time and effort if there is high uncertainty the optimization leads to more people using the Dapp. Without direct incentives, the Dapp developer needs to know that the majority of their audience is on Status and therefore should optimize for it. Users, I’m assuming, will be looking for ethereum Dapp experiences which are differentiated from existing web3 browsers. So we have a chicken and egg problem, what comes first developers or users?

Ways that developers could be incentives to contribute:

  • Something like the Aragon Nest program whereby funds are given to developers from core status team based on their submission, perhaps using carbon voting as a strong signal from the community (solution is simple but also very centralized).

  • Mini ICO in sense community members buy a token related to a specific Dapp optimization using SNT, the token holders are then entitled to a % of earnings from transactions on Dapp which occur through integration/ optimization. Dividend Tokens, Explained