Peakon Survey - March 2021

This month we customized the engagement survey questions to get a pulse on how we feel about Covid 19, mental health and the way we’re balancing work and life under the current reality. Thanks for all the participation! :raised_hands:

First off, to frame the data - 54 contributors responded, out of 68 that received the invite. This is one of the highest participation rates we had so far, yet it is lower than most tech companies of the same size. I wonder if this is because our surveys so far have been more frequent than average, too.

On the topic of health and wellbeing, we’re doing better than most other tech companies of the same size/composition:

It’s important to mention that several contributors have indicated in the comments that we could do more in this respect.

It’s not always easy to know if - for example - we understand that some time off has to be taken due to taking care of the extended family obligations deriving from COVID restrictions; and sometimes contributors have been feeling pressured or guilty about taking (sick and general) days off work, particularly when they have roles that take on multiple responsibilities and priorities.

We will focus on improving that perception, and on offering practical support for anyone who is feeling that way. We’d like to remind you that we’re all in this together, and to reach out when you’re feeling any sort of overwhelm. Terry and I are always happy to help, and conversations will not be shared outside of our conversations without your knowledge.
We’re also looking at adding more benefits targeting these aspects - particularly, one to one coaching or assistance programs that all contributors would be able to contact directly and confidentially.

Next - as with Carly, Terry, Ruslan and Johannes we’re considering partners (e.g. Deel or other PEO’s) that could help us streamlining contract operations, I also wanted to get a sense for the general feeling about working as independent contractors.

Only 28 contributors answered this, but it doesn’t sound like there are particular pain points around it (although missing out on some employee benefits has been mentioned)

Finally, a couple of shout outs. Engagement score went up since last time:

And Nim is leading the way:

Let me know if any comments or questions, cheers!