People Ops support

These days, we’re a smaller, leaner scaffolding of core contributors. To make the best use of the resources we have and provide as much operational support as we can to free up contributors to focus on whitepaper delivery, we wanted to highlight the ways we can help.

Here are some of the things we can help with, feel free to suggest anything else you might need. You can request work by pinging us in #status-peopleops, DM, or opening an issue in the People Ops GH repo.

Outside of the core People Ops work, we’re available for:

  • Managing events, recurring calls, hosting webinars
  • Administrative support
  • Writing copy, proofreading
  • Coordination, project management
  • Budget support

If you need some help, get in touch and we’ll go from there (capacity permitting).

Additionally, if anything is taking up inordinate amounts of your time and/or is a distraction - let us know. We’re always looking for ways to minimise bureaucracy.

Thanks! - People Ops