Prague Bookings: How to's

Here is all the general information you need for booking your travel to Prague

The Events

  • Status CryptoLife Hackathon: Friday 26 October - Sunday 28 October. Venue: National House Smichov
  • Status All Team get Together: Monday 29 October. Venue: Corinthia Hotel Prague
  • DevCon: Tuesday 30 October - Friday 2 November. Venue: Prague Congress Hotel

Booking Transportation:

  • Please see spreadsheet for pricing guidelines. Please try and keep your transport within these ranges based on your region. If prices are over or you need help, feel free to ping me (RAJANIE)
  • Hotel rooms are already booked. Add your full name, check in/out dates into this doc under Rooming List - Core.
  • Flights for DevCon: Please be cautious when booking travel, as most do not tickets/ tickets have not been purchased/ distributed. Flights may be subjected to change. If you are staying for DevCon, you are free to return home or stay for a team offsite.
  • If you are staying for DevCon or an Offsite, please indicate on the rooming list tab how many days you are staying passed Tuesday.

If you’re unsure for how many days to stay in Prague, book option 1, 2, or 3:

  1. If you aren’t going to DevCon, and don’t have a team meetup, then fly in Friday, fly out Tuesday
  2. If you aren’t going to DevCon, and have a team meetup, then fly in Friday and fly out when your team meetup finishes
  3. If you are going to DevCon, then flying in Friday and fly out Friday.

You can find an agenda of events planned in the spreadsheet.

Thanks for this thread with the latest information @rajanie, appreciated.

I didn’t get a Devcon ticket and I don’t know which team meetups I’ll attend. I intend to stay in Prague for the entire week though, since it’s a rare opportunity to meet up with a lot of Status people, as well as other people in the Ethereum community.

  1. Where can I get a confirmation of if I got a hotel room or not and for how long? I entered my dates a long time ago in some spreadsheet but not sure what happened after that.
  2. Given I’m not going to go to Devcon, will Status cover the accommodation cost for the full week? If not, depending on the answer of (1), can I pay for the same room myself or do I need to figure out separate accommodation?

Hi Oskar - you can check this spreadsheet here

Looks like you name has been added!