Q2 Marketing Initiatives

We have received a couple of questions in the most recent town halls about comms, marketing, and community initiatives. So we have regrouped and pulled together priorities, goals, projects, and detailed tactics to help keep us on track in Q2 and beyond.

Plans can be found here as well as tracked in Wrike


OKRs - still premature to drive heavy user acquisition so continued focus on open source contribution, education, and thought leadership (around security/privacy and token economics). Our product becomes our community and the onbaording mechanisms into contribution (not installs).

2019 OKR’s

  1. Increase community developer contribution
  2. Increase non-developer contribution
  3. Raise awareness and build reputation within Security Community
  4. Increase Awareness and use of SNT Utility & Teller Network

Q2 Initiatives:

  • Security and Privacy Campaign : Content, thought leadership, PR/Media, educating on security benefits and implementations within Status.
  • SNT Utility Campaign and Token Economy Thought Leadership: Education and fun community campaigns raising awareness and use of SNT utility features. Publish tokenomics models from Barry and create campaigns around those.
  • Technical On-baording / Contribution Guides: Aiming to build clear contribution paths for the three developer audiences identified (Contributor, Ecosystem Developer, Extensions Developer). This includes tutorials, demos, content, and re-architected docs site.
  • Translation Contribution Campaign: Jinho to pilot a translation program in Korea to lock down process and best practice before rolling out globally.
  • Brand awareness campaign, relaunch website - Introduce new website (aiming for next week) along with some new, consistent visual elements.
  • Always On Content: Release Notes, Town Hall Recaps, Dev Meeting Recaps

We are aware this does not cover every Status initiative such as Keycard, Embark, Nimbus and all research efforts. We will support everything as much as possible with the available resources we have (hence the need to make all assets, info, access, funds, etc entirely open). For any major milestones or significant items that would warrant or require comms support, please give us (myself, Jinho, and the ambassadors) as much lead time as possible so we can help amplify the great work being done.

We welcome feedback, ideas, thoughts on marketing/comms work. If you like, please have a read through the notes doc to get a clear understanding of what we have initially prioritized, and let us know if you would like to see anything else. And please keep in mind we are a small team and will lean on everyone in the status community (core contributors and community contributors alike).


Please find the localization campaign plans here.

We aim to bring as many open source developers & translators as possible and increase the Github stars.

In addition, in terms of the Korean community, the Q2 initiatives are listed below.

  • A Keycard review video with English subtitle & receiving feedback on Keycard from developers (we’ve got a lot of Keycard beta testers from S.Korea)
  • Biweekly Townhall for the Korean community
  • 100% translation of important our.status.im posts
  • 4 Educational content (Whisper, ipfs, Embark, Nimbus)
  • Ramping up the size of community by 10% (blog visitors, Telegram&YT channels, etc.)
  • Raise awareness of Status via online/offline meetings in the blockchain communities