Q3 report questions

Can Status give a breakdown of spending on Third party vendors and Marketing & sponsoring for Q3?

Part 5 of The Status Network Q3 Quarterly Report


@Dani and @jonathan might be able to provide more insight.

@Dr.Dao - Our spend in Q3 was lower than expected as most of the work done was strategy and planning for the v1 launch. Our spend in Q4 (production for v1 and Status Network launch) is larger due to production.

Breakdown as follows
Dapp Integration Center + Docs $ 27,775.00
PR Support for Crytpo Economics works $ 4,000.00
EthPlanet Event Sponsorship $ 2,000.00
SNT distribution (translation campaign) $ 1,817.00
Ethereal Blocks / Gitcoin Event $ 2,500.00
Ethberlin Production $ 4,000.00
TOTAL $ 42,092.00
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Thank you for the marketing breakdown.

We are still waiting on a breakdown of “Third party vendors”

To respect the privacy and request of our vendors, I can’t disclose exact names and payout amounts but here is a breakdown of vendors:

- Dapp Integration Center - 3rd party content, design, development agency
- PR Support for Crypto Economics - third party PR consultant


Thank you. This breakdown is the $40.000 that makes up “Marketing & sponsoring”? Where is the breakdown for the $300.000 that is “Third party vendors”?

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