Realtimeboard subscription

Hi there!

If you have a need for, and would like to get a subscription to, Realtimeboard, please sign up here.

Cost is ~$10 per user per month.

We’ll go ahead and buy the subscription based on the signups we have by 21 Nov. Shout if you’ll need it sooner.


Hi @dani - please go ahead and purchase 8 seats for Realtimeboard, let me know if you need anything else to move this forward. Cheers!

thanks, Ceri! minimum is 12 members, if paid monthly is 12x$120 = $1’440 . @petty since we’re doing a purge of our subscriptions I’m just asking - this is something people will use daily, right?
@naghdy just fyi

@ceri did you incude UXR in the UX team? I thinks it’s very likely that we’ll use the boards in sync with designers. @patrick @Philip please chime in if you have anything to add.

@hester @petty I bought the upgrade just now. Hope everything works, let me know if that’s not the case.

I’m in, all good. Thank you!

After login with my G-suite account, I could request to join SOB team. Now waiting on approval. Does this seem like I’m on the right path or should I check with a different account or team?

@Euge can you help Ester? you have the admin rights and are familiar with realtimeboard.

Added! @hester let me know if you could access the UX board (former SOB board).

I’m in. Thank you both @Euge and @Dani!

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