SITG experiment #1 - Status intense micro adoption!

I’d like to go in for one of the last 4 spots - $100 accountable OP terms. But if it’s getting to be too much diffusion of responsibility, I also understand. Great experiment!

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@oskarth yes, I am fine with it.

I’ll go $100 accountable

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@oskarth I’m in as accountable for $100, thanks for coming up with this experiment!

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I’m also in for $100 accountable @oskarth if we’re still not up to the threshold.

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@oskarth I’m also in as accountable for $100 if there’s still a spot

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Week has passed, here are the participants:

0. Status match, funder, $9000
1. oskarth, funder, $1000
2. carl, funder, $1000
TOTAL FUNDS: $11k equivalent in SNT

3. exiledsurfer, accountable, $100
4. Ned, accountable, $100
5. Chad, accountable, $100
6. cryptowanderer, accountable, $100
7. lukasz, accountable, $100
8. jonathan, accountable, $100
9. Graeme, accountable, $100
10. patrick, accountable, $100
11. vitaliy, accountable, $100
12. pedro, accountable, $100
13. Hutch, accountable, $100

(sorry gravityblast!)

Created #sitg-one in Status as well. Please use sheet above ( to fill in usage stats. Also note that October 22 we’ll check the previous week. Also see

Let’s do this!

What is the Status channel? Can you deep link it oskar :wink: I couldn’t join a public chat channel with an int.

don’t worry @oskarth :slight_smile:

Just got some quick feedback about the outcome:

80% of core contributors use Status every day by October 22, before Devcon.

Can we clarify it is every work day, rather than every week day?

I (falsely) assumed they were the same. I think either way is fine. If you work Saturday and don’t use Status maybe that’s OK. If you are on vacation Monday and don’t use Status that’s also OK. Seems like the most generous interpretation to me.

I kicked off a weekly poll to see progress. Here are the results from the first survey where 67 people responded.

40% is a great start! Hopefully we can jump to 60% next week.

We also got some great feedback with some very useful insight that will help us make a better app. Thanks to all those that answered the survey!


i completed a polly poll yesterday for the second week, do you have the results yet @Chad?

Results are in from last week. There was a 30% increase in people using Status every day!

We had less people overall answer the poll (53 this week vs 67 last), but we had more overall people answering Yes (34 up from 26).

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My gut feeling is we’re gonna be over 80% next week… :slight_smile:

Can’t really do an effective polly poll in slack with everyone in status…

Monday is the official measuring day for this experiment. How about doing a combination of manual survey in Slack, and then taking all the people who deactivated Slack into account? cc @Chad

I’m not on Slack, so will need @anon16796968’s help to do a poll on that side.

@naghdy Can you easily get a count of deactivated Slack accounts?

We can also use Prometheus stats to look at unique users chatting in #status.

sounds good! shall I just copy the last one, or would you like to add any questions @Chad?